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Interior Design Sustainable Development Research

Posted on:2016-09-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the Stone Age, human beings began to develop and improve the living environment, especially when human entered civilized society. After several times industrial revolution, the modern living room space design was very popular, Current internet thought made the room space interior design develop rapidly..Since the 21st century, the physical science like biology, chemistry, physics, and the internet science have developed rapidly. Many aspects of interior design are profoundly affected by that.This effect often prompts the original technology or design approach changing greatly, even making disruptive changes.This article focuses on china’s living space, and based on many factors, such as energy structure, social status, and family members, to discuss the trend and sustainable development of living space design. Relying on two household sizes (big/small), this article discusses sustainable development of time, space, new energy use, and intellectual design in interior design and spatial design.An awareness of sustainable interior design of single household can not affect humanity, but millions of household do. The leap from quantitative to qualitative tells us the sustainable interior design is imperative, so abundant research is needed. The theory is the compass of practice, it explains the rule of things’development scientifically, and it makes more practitioners to grasp the interior design approaches, which fits sustainable development under current situation. It also promotes interior design to transform and upgrade, and make due contributions to human beings’sustainable development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Interior design, sustainable development, design methods, living space
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