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The Research And Implementation Of Multi-Screen Interaction Under The Intelligent Housing System

Posted on:2016-09-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330461459386Subject:Computer technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Tradit iona l intelligent househo ld system is ge nerally dependent on the single fa mily gateway, the gateway inte grates securit y devices and other equip ment control househo ld, but it has great limitat ions.While the tradit iona l mult i-screen interactio n are for the pict ures, audio and video streaming, so to expand more screen interactive technolo gy is applied to the smart home syste m, it cancel a s ingle, centralized control ho use hold to meet user dema nd for s mart home humanized operation.This article first ly introduced at home and abroad and the research status of s mart ho me and more screen interaction a nd background, and it is concluded that the necessit y of t his syste m and inno vative design, and then separately fro m the technical route of syste m research and feasib ility analysis and so on to ana lyze the feasib ility of the system design, final design and imple mentat ion o f screen more interactive extens ion of applicat ions in s mart home syste m.This artic le first ly introduces the research status of smart ho me and more screen interactio n background all over the world, and it is conc luded that the necessit y of t his syste m and innovat ive design, second ly ana lyze t he feasib ilit y of the syste m design, fina lly design and imple mentat ion o f screen more interactive system to extend in smart ho me.The system of family gateway is based on android plat form, the syste m has integrated smart ho me control on t he operation environment, and in its r u nning environment, through the extensio n and application of UPnP techno logy, to deve lop more screen interactive syste m, not only can rea lize the functio n of streaming media more screen interact ive entertainment, and realize the sharing of househo ld control software and real- time contro l.As long as a handheld mobile termina l access to WIFI, can have "everyw here", "mult i- screen" control.This paper designed and imp le mented interactive system on the android termina ls,whic h finis hed instant pushing control and shar ing med ia resources among intelligent ter mina ls with w ifi test results showed that the system’s maxmun increasing ra nge rate was limited to 400ms/ho ur,it ’s transmiss ion t ime has been effect ive ly contro lled.
Keywords/Search Tags:Instant push, Mult ip le Screen Interaction, UP nP, Intelligent househo ld system
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