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Simulation Analysis For Collapse Of Masonry Structure Under Earthquake Based On The Discrete Element Method

Posted on:2015-09-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J HuaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330452994258Subject:Geotechnical engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Masonry structure in our country is one of the main building structures. Previousearthquake masonry house collapsed, causing heavy casualties and property losses. Sincethe Wenchuan earthquake, the collapse of masonry structures gradually be taken seriously.Because the field test method requires a lot of manpower and material resources andfinancial resources, it is difficult for a variety of different situations several tests. With therapid development of computer technology, numerical simulation research has become animportant means of structural collapse. Since finite element analysis method can not solvethe problem of nonlinear mechanics, so this article was based on the discrete elementmethod PFC3Dsoftware masonry structure under seismic collapse process simulation andanalysis.In this paper, it provides a theoretical basis for three-dimensional discrete elementmodeling, access to a large earthquake seismic data on the collapse of masonry damageanalysis, so that our comprehensive understanding of the characteristics of masonrystructure damage. Then it is introduced the discrete element theory and the basic theory,basic equations, model parameter selection and contact model of commercial discreteelement software PFC3D. First establish a two floors and two bays of the masonry structure,enter a simplified seismic waves, over reasonable post-processing method to output theimages and animations simulation results. Structure collapse is basically consistent with theactual process. Then in order to simulate the process of the collapse of masonry structuresby increased the model to be three bays of the model. By analyzing the collapse of masonrystructures earthquake time history analysis as well as power transmission chain analysis,research masonry structures under seismic loads in the various components of theforce transfer process, analyze the reasons for structural damage.Then analyzing the changing structure form and changing the parameters on theseismic response of masonry structure affected, revealing masonry structure underearthquake collapsed law. Actual damage and the collapse effect compared with theactual process of structural collapse basically.In this paper three-dimensional software PFC3Ddiscrete element modeling formasonry structures, it is better to simulate the destruction of masonry structures collapsedduring the earthquake, and provide a reference for seismic capacity of masonry structureassess and improve seismic design of structure.
Keywords/Search Tags:masonry structure earthquake, discrete element method, PFC3Dsimulation and analysis, collapse process
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