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Tang Dynasty West Market Museum Post Occupancy Evaluation

Posted on:2015-05-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R J LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330452468085Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Tang Dynasty West Market Museum also Xi’an City and the Silk Road sitemuseum, the museum established in the capital of Golden Age of Chinese history-onthe city’s West Chang’an city site, where they were to become the starting point of theSilk Road. The museum is the site of the only museum to protect and display theancient ruins and the construction of Market Street. Architects face the urban contextand lots of context is extremely complex environmental conditions for site protectionand demonstrate new architectural ideas. Architects on the West City Ruins uniqueinterpretation perspective, adhere to the concept of heritage protection showcase ofarchitectural design and innovative concept, in September2009the museum completedTang Dynasty West Market officially opened, recognized by domestic and foreignindustry insiders and by the majority of Visitors praise. Tang Dynasty West MarketMuseum is also known as the Silk Road, a shining diamond.Site protection as a national project of China’s first private enterprises to invest in-Tang Dynasty West Market Museum, after five years of operational use, it isnecessary to evaluate the effects of its use. After the basic context of this article as aguide to the use of POE evaluation methods have been used for five-year-old TangDynasty West Market Museum, built to protect the environment in ruins, ruins show,Evaluation of space utilization and traffic flow lines after use. Through the study ofTang Dynasty West Market Museum design concepts, based on the use case studies,considering the building designers, museum managers and site museum design theory,to determine the scope of the evaluation study. After building to use evaluation procedures and specific techniques and methods as a guide to determine theeffectiveness of site protection, sites demonstrate the effectiveness of the space inwhich rational use of the specific research and evaluation of traffic flow lines of thereasonableness of the scope of relevant, and select the appropriate evaluation methods.According to the statistical analysis of survey data, obtained evaluation results. Finally,we summarize Tang Dynasty West Market Museum built environment and thesuccessful experience inadequacies of Tang Dynasty West Market Museumimprovements, site museum design and practices provide valuable feedback.This article was supported national "five" scientific and technological supportprojects for the "Site Museum Building Design Guidelines" developed, conductedpreliminary case studies. I hope the research results on the site museum design,research, management has certain significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ruins Site Museum, Tang Dynasty West Market Museum, Post OccupancyEvaluation (POE)
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