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The Development Of Portable Mobile Power Supply Based On Multilevel Transform

Posted on:2015-01-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q H WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330422972116Subject:Control engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As an important branch of power conversion, the Portable mobile power is widelyused in every field due to its stability, compactness and environmental friendliness. Insuch special circumstances as the coal mine, wild or natural-disaster-stricken areaswhere electricity can not be transmitted normally, the portable mobile power can beused as emergency electricity to supply power for critical equipment including thecommunication system or medical devices to maintain their proper function.Currently, due to the wide gap of techniques between domestic and foreignportable mobile power suppliers, the market share is mainly occupied by foreigncompanies. Thus, the development of portable mobile power with independentintellectual property right is of great theoretical significance and engineering applicationvalue.The Portable Mobile Power is made up of rectifier and inverter circuits. Therectifier circuit, which is composed of the three-phase uncontrolled rectifier circuit andthree-level BUCK circuit, is used to convert the three-phase variable frequency ACproduced by the generator into stable DC; while the inverter circuit, which consists ofthe inverter circuit controlled by SPWM wave and LC filtering circuit, is supposed totransform the DC from rectifier circuit into single-phase AC with stable frequency andvoltage for users’ need.This thesis, based on the elaborate theoretical research of predecessors, focuses onthe corrections and improvement of these studies and in the meantime, dedicates tocreating a simple platform to carry out experiments.Elaborated from the main text of the following aspects:It explains the researching background and the practical meaning of this paper, andintroduces the specialty of PortablemobilePower and the relevant researching status inhome and abroad. Also, it simply generalizes the research contents. Considering theunique requirement of portable mobilepower, this paper defines the topology of maincircuit and overall plan. It mainly explores the working principle of multi-level invertersBUCK, confirming the design plan of equalizingcircuit which is based onSCMfeedback control and using Closed-loop control to control regulated output of theinverter circuit. At the same time, it designs to finish the hardware circuit and softwareof the system. Hardware circuit contains main circuit design and the design of pilot circuit. Software system contains the design of main program and subroutine.Subroutinemainly contains:1) signal sampling design and software filter program;2) the outerloop based on multi-level inverters BUCK output voltage, double closed loop feedbackPWM control of equalizing circuit inner loop;3) feedback control based on invertercircuit output voltage. The paper builds a simply experiment device to testify theexperiment verification, proving that the design is right and feasible.
Keywords/Search Tags:Multilevel DC Converter, Spwm Wave, Equalizing Design, Portable MobilePower
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