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The Research On Promoting Properties Of Deteriorated Concrete

Posted on:2015-08-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330422486868Subject:Structural engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Through the experimental research on the deteriorated concrete with repair agent, theeffect of repair agent promoting the low-strength concrete properties with age, dosage, curingtime and various strength grades were considered, the performance of early age concrete afterhigh temperature were also studied, including how temperature, cooling methods and standingtime effected the performance of early age concrete after recovering repair agent,as well asthe effect of attacked time and standing time on the promotion of performance of sulfateattacked concrete with or without repair agent, mainly to obtain the following results:The research on the promotion of compressive strength, elastic modulus, carbonationresistance and penetration resistance of low-strength concrete showed how age, dosage,standing time and strength grade affected the influence of repair agent. It was seen that theperformance of low-strength concrete with repair agent was better than the without one; thedosage was more, the effect of promotion was better; the grade was lower, the effect wasbetter; the influence of age and standing time was not obvious.Through the experimental study on the early age concrete after high temperature, thecompressive strength, carbonation resistance and penetration resistance of different ageconcrete under different temperature, standing time, cooling methods were studied, as well asthe effect of the repair agent. The results indicated that the temperature was higher, the effectof the agent was better; with the increment of the standing time, the effect slowed down; whenthe temperature was high, the effect of repair agent under natural cooling was better thanwater cooling.Through experimental research on the promotion of performance of sulfate attackedconcrete, the compressive strength, carbonation resistance and penetration resistance ofsulfate attacked concrete and the effect of repair agent with different attacked time andstanding time were analyzed. The results indicated that with the increment of the attackedtime and standing time, the regular pattern of the properties of sulfate attacked concrete wasimproved and then poorer; the effect of repair agent on the concrete which attacked90d wasbest; the standing time was longer, the effect was better.The results all above could provide some experimental reference for promoting themechanical and durability properties of deteriorated concrete.
Keywords/Search Tags:Low-strength concrete, early age concrete, high temperature, sulfate attackedconcrete, repair agent
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