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Design Of The Air Purifier

Posted on:2015-08-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S S WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Environmental pollution has become a major global pressing issues directlythreaten human survival and development. Particularly, in recent years, there are a lotreports about the fog and haze, dust storm and other inclement weather. Inferior airquality has become an urgent problem.This topic design is for the current status of environment protection raw productdesign, which is about portable air purifier design.It is mainly for green design, about the green use of green energy and the greenfunctionality, and it’s portable and versatile functionality reflects the human design. Inthe design process, starting from the demand for product preliminary research analysis,improved innovation based on the strengths and weaknesses of existing products, theuse of interactive design approach, focusing on human-computer interaction, andconsider people using the product in the course of the experience and needs. TheGreen Energy Solar references which is currently resisting environmental pollution,also expressed a strong desire to appeal to the green environment.Meanwhile, according to the subject I ancient China “Heaven” philosophy,follow the ancient Chinese ecological concepts, emphasizing people from nature, is anatural part of the harmony between man and nature, but at the same time, man andnature in harmony unity while people-oriented spirit of human design concept,designed to change people’s way of life, providing people with a better lifeexperience.By this time the air purifier green design, expect to get control of environmentalpollution, human living environment has been improved. Solar renewable greenenergy should be given a reasonable use for the benefit of mankind.
Keywords/Search Tags:Green design, Solar Energy, Desire, Mutual, Humane
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