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Study On The Simulation Of Storage State And Import-export Storage In Coal Preparation Plant

Posted on:2017-01-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q C LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2271330509955088Subject:Mining engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Coal warehousing state is an important data daily production of coal preparation plant, the vast majority coal warehouse stock will be measured, however, down to every specific point status compartment not known. In this paper, experimental study on coal samples obtained Jincang, a warehouse during the general rule, according to this law programming experiment simulated real-time inventory status. And can be based on this, and out of warehouses for coal preparation process simulation, forecasting the next time a warehouse the material characteristics and properties of coal within the coal properties among the remaining positions.This paper analyzes the movement of coal and the distribution characteristics in experimental silos, explore density, ash content, particle size factors on coal warehouse process, to explore the effects of different factors on the location of the coal falling speed. The results showed that the particle size of coal samples whereabouts law is insignificant, different density, ash coal in the warehouse during the speed difference is large. Determine the factors affecting coal ash in silos falling dominant factor. Axis location closer distance greater than a distance bin walls falling speed falling speed close position, and with the coordinates of the characteristic change in the silo height changes.According to the preliminary inquiry out of coal in silos law, design experiments, with different densities of rubber particles instead of coal samples. Inquiry rubber particles out of warehouses and distribution law in the experimental silo. Experiments confirmed that a large density of the particles having a priority rule falling, and quantitative measurement of the degree of priority. This law is reflected in a warehouse process, denser green rubber particles having a wear layer phenomenon, priority is discharged outside the silo..According to the results of the above inquiry, rubber grain in silos and out of warehouses and distribution simulation programming, the program can fully display silo rubber particles distributed under the specific coordinates, and out of warehouses forecast. Proposed to unit division method, fine simulation, computational state and out of warehouses warehousing process. Population density join the program, coordinate factor parameter setting, by setting these parameters to accurately quantify the impact of various factors, to make the program more complete applicability.This paper concludes with practical Coal warehousing and processing method and out of warehouses simulated in the manner Winform program to show the status of coal preparation plant warehousing, distribution specific to each coordinate point of the ash in the warehouse. When coal feed Jincang or a warehouse, the program automatically calculates the change of warehousing, warehouse and can feed coal ash distribution to the user. Coal in actual production, with the production guidance.
Keywords/Search Tags:storage, simulation, forecasting
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