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Degradation Status And Cause Analysis Of Coastal Wetlands In Guangxi

Posted on:2015-04-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C L YangFull Text:PDF
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Wetlands are an extremely important ecosystems, by providing ecological, economi c and social benefits for the global humanities. Coastal wetlands Located within the sc ope of coastal zone, is the interface between terrestrial and marine, as well as an imp ortant part of wetlands, which is a complex and unique ecosystems with the richest b iodiversity, the highest productivity and most ecological value, etc. Coastal wetlands no t only play an important role in such as conservation of biological diversity, defence a gainst the tide and bank protection,water conservation and water retaining, purification of terrigenous sea pollution, but the sustainable development of the aquaculture, touris m, mining, salt production and chemical industry such as oil and coal are also based on its natural resources. The coastal areas of southwest Guanxi and the Pearl River Delta a re South West China’s most convenient avenues leading to the ocean and its ASEAN neighbor s. This waterway helps promote the China-ASEAN bridgehead frontier and comprehensive co operation. Therefore, economic e exchanges in the Beibu Gulf are very significant, and helps d evelop the costal maritime economy of all of Guanxi Province. Ocean meets the land along th e twists and turns of the Beibu Gulf of Guanxi Province. Including the coastal areas of the citie s of Guangxi Beihai, Qinzhou, and Fangchenggang the total costal distance is 1595km. Whe n all of the areas coastal wetlands are more complex and make up an area of 20299 km".Since the 1990s, Guanxi’s coastal areas rapid economic expansion and increased construction development, has caused increased destruction of the wetland ecosystem. Blind reclam ation, rehabilitation, thoughtless port creation, urban construction, industrial development, and other activities have negatively affected the coastal environment by gradual reduci ng the wetland areas. Field surveys were based on Guangxi’s six typical types of coas tal wetlands, habitat characteristics of each ecosystem’s biodiversity. Data gathered from field work was analyzed to understand how manmade and natural actions have degrad ed the costal wetlands. Finally, this report proposes appropriate strategies to help allevi ate wetland degradation. The main findings are as follows:1.According to the "National Wetland Resources Investigation Technical Specificati on",Guangxi coastal wetlands can divided into 11 kinds,namely, mangrove wetlands, cor al reefs wetlands, seagrass beds wetlands, Delta wetlands, estuaries, wetlands, shallow waters, silty beach, sand beach, rocky shore intertidal salt marshes, Coast of the lagoo n.2.Degradation of Guangxi coastal wetland mainly as follows wetland area decrease d,biodiversity decline,wetlands ecosystem structure change,declining water quality, rever se the trend of succession,different types of ecocystems,wetland degradation processes a nd performance are not the same.3.Analysis the causes of degradation of coastal wetland from two aspect of the n atural and man-made factors,natural fators include biological invasion, storm surge,pests and diseases,human factors include seawall constrution,blind reclamation of wetlands,wat erways excavation,excessive use of biological resources,pollution,coastal engineering,aqua culture and tourism.4.The major restoration model of Mangrove wetland are ecological farming mode l,eco-tourism model, habitat recovery model,recovery model of ecosystem structure,recov ery model of biological diversity,secondary transformation and nude beach afforestation. The major restoration model of Reel are habitat restoration model,artifical translplant r ecovery model,biodiversity recovery model,ecosystem structure recovery mode. The maj or restoration model of Seagrass beds are habitat restoration model,artifical transplantio n,seed law,ecosystem atruction recovery mode. The major restoration model of Estuarin e wetland are habitat restoration model,biological recovery model,biological diversity re covery model,ecological structure and function of the system recovery mode. The majo r restoration model of Delta are habitat restoration model,vegetation recovery mode,ecosystem strution and function of the system recovery mode. The major restoration model of Shallow water are habitat restoration model,biolo gical recovery mode,ecosystem structure recovery mode and ecological fishery model.
Keywords/Search Tags:Coastal wetlands, degradation, reasons, Guangxi
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