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The Study Of N2O Formation Mechanism Using H2as A Reductant In NSR Process

Posted on:2015-09-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J X ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2271330452469922Subject:Chemical Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The N2O formation mechanism was investigated over Pt-BaO/Al2O3modelcatalyst using H2as a reductant.In the absence of H2O, N2O forms mainly at the initial phase of lean NOxtrapping; while in the presence of H2O, N2O appears mainly at the beginning of therich reduction phase. In the lean period, N2O is formed by reacting the gaseous NO/O2with the adsorbed NH3that is formed during the previous rich period. The N2Oformation in the rich period is insignificant in the absence of H2O but is greatlyenhanced by the presence of H2O. The amount of N2O formed is proportional to theH2O level in the feed, and its formation is favored at low temperatures. Our FTIR datashow that H2O enhances the rate of nitrite/nitrate reduction during the richregeneration, which increases the amount of released NOx, an oxygen source for N2Oformation. Our temperature programmed experiments indicate that H2O competeswith NH3for adsorption sites on Pt surface. This competitive adsorption may increasethe NH3desorption rate at low temperatures in the rich phase and make Pt surfacemore accessible to NO.In addition, this work also discussed the effect of the gas compositions of leanphase (NO/N2, NO/O2/N2, NO2/N2) on the N2O formation in rich phase. The amountof N2O formation in rich phase is related to the gas compositions in lean phase, whichdecreases in the order of NO2/N2> NO/O2/N2> NO/N2.
Keywords/Search Tags:N2O formation, LNT, NSR, Pt-BaO/Al2O3, Hydrogen
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