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Research On The TPPTC Competitiveness

Posted on:2015-03-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330431452251Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Corporate culture demonstrates a company’s competitiveness and is the source of power for a company to survive and develop.It is also the outward manifestation of a company’s competitive strength. The ultimate goal of a company is to motivate its employees to create values and wealth. Therefore, how to motivate employees maximally, how to improve the companies’attraction and cohesion to employees and how to improve employees’loyalty and creativity to companies is the core of the construction of corporate culture.Tianjin Port has made remarkable achievement and gained valuable experiences over the past10years in the construction of corporate culture, starting from spontaneity to conscientiousness and from pieces to system. Corporate culture has been one of the core competition advantages for Tianjin Port Group. With the steady progress of building world-class enterprise strategy, Tianjin Port Group has systematically upgraded its corporate culture construction in time and established a new corporate culture system, In addition, Tianjin Port Group also formulated "Guidance on how Tianjin Port Group further deepens the corporate culture construction"(Guidance) to further deepen the corporate culture construction, gradually move from culture construction toward culture management, further gather positive energy to build world-class enterprise strategy and to enhance the new power to innovate. The "Guidance" also aims to encourage subsidiaries to fuse parent company’s corporate culture and promote them internally while they are carrying out parent company’s culture. In doing so, subsidiaries can improve its attraction and cohesion to employees and eventually form a joint effort to develop the company.As a subsidiary, TPPTC has achieved good results in fusing with parent company’s culture and further inheriting and developing it. This paper is to analyze and summarize how TPPTC integrates parent company’s corporate culture with subsidiary’s corporate culture. Employees’views are also collected through conducting questionnaires and surveys. In four aspects, this paper will comprehensively analyze the development of corporate culture so as to find out the strength and weakness in corporate culture, thus proposing conductive suggestions to constantly improve and upgrade the value system of TPPTC.
Keywords/Search Tags:Corporate Culture, Tianjin Port, Petrochemicals Terminal, Parent-Subsidiary Corporate Culture Fusion
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