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Development Of The Internationalization Of The RMB

Posted on:2015-01-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
All countries in the world regard maintain its national currency and maintain its usein the appropriate jurisdiction as enjoying its sovereign authority and show signs.Currency is like a banner, each country had its own flag. China is growing as aneconomic power with international influence, with China’s comprehensive nationalstrength, the RMB internationalization is an inevitable trend. On the one hand, China inglobal trade and finance has occupied an important position, and will be furtherenhanced, however RMB current position in the international monetary system andChina’s economic weight in the global economy clearly disproportionate. On the otherhand, for the currencies of other countries in the international economic factors behindthe expansion of ultra-based national competitiveness and national securityconsiderations, and China is also imperative to promote the internationalization of theRMB. At present, China ’s economy is facing a "high savings dilemma", the outbreakof the international financial crisis, accelerating reform of the international monetarysystem and smooth cross-border trade and cross-border direct investment in RMBsettlement pilot work provides a new motivation for the internationalization of the RMB,also opened the " policy window." While respecting market selection, how to seize theopportunity to reposition a very important development of the RMB. In this paper, acombination of economic theory and practical point of view, international monetarytheory as the basis to quantify the scale of the renminbi held offshore, provide importantquantitative indicators for the status of the internationalization of the RMB analysis.Then look through the multi-dimensional perspective of internationalization of the RMBwith all aspects of the condition, brought on RMB internationalization effects conductedusing detailed " dilemma analysis." Finally, the proposed development of the RMBinternationalization policy inferences.
Keywords/Search Tags:RMB internationalization, RMB offshore holdings, Policy dilemma
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