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Risk Prevention And Sharing Of The Different Types Of Mutual Guarantee Organizations

Posted on:2013-01-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J D DingFull Text:PDF
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Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are important to promote economic growth, however, a shortage of funds and financing difficulties greatly limit the development of SMEs. How to help SMEs to get rid of the plight of a shortage of funds has become a worldwide hot topic, and has been widespread concerned in theoretical and practice fields.The development of mutual guarantee organizations has played an irreplaceable role in solving the problem of small enterprises financing difficulties. It is generally accepted that Mutual guarantee is a high-risk industry, the capability for continuous development of itself and for Risk control when it provide guarantee are really important. There is a lack of risk prevention and control mechanism coverage in the study of guarantee business, even more there is no researcher classifies the mutual guarantee organizations to study the risk.As the basic theory research, the classification of the mutual guarantee organizations has great significance either in theoretical or practice fields. Due to the different member companies, the member companies have a different contact and contain, so the internal mechanism of the different types of mutual guarantee organizations are different, thus the formation mechanism of the risk, the types of risks and the level of risks are different. To classify the mutual guarantee organizations both can recognize the diversity of Mutual Guarantee form and provide an effective way to share the risk of mutual guarantee organizations.Starting with the study of the small enterprises cluster, this paper focus on the risk of the mutual guarantee organizations and classifies the mutual guarantee organizations according to their combination. On the basis of compare and analysis on the characteristics and mode of operation of the different types of mutual guarantee organizations, this paper puts emphasis on the research in different formation mechanism of the risk, design of risk prevention and control mechanism for different types of mutual guarantee organizations.Small businesses mutual guarantee business is typical high-risk business. It has a certain theoretical value for enriching and enlarging application fields of risk management, it could help to improve the understanding of risk management, change the concept of risk management, and enhance risk management capabilities. It also has proactively practical meanings for promoting continuous development of mutual guarantee organizations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Small Enterprises, Different Types, Mutual Guarantee, Risk Prevention, Risk-sharing
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