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Research On RMB Internationalization And The Impact On China Economic

Posted on:2015-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J F LouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330425994003Subject:Project management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper make full use of a combination of theoretical and empirical analysis in terms of the concept of currencyinternationalization defined, the relevant theories and models, and thecondition, status and paths on the basis of theoretical analysis of RMB internationalization;the empirical analysis was carried out for current RMB internationalization development, and summarize the yen internationalization which is a good lesson to be taken for reference. In terms of the theoretical and empirical analysis, this paper sums up the current situation ofRMB internationalization, the development trend of RMB internationalization, potential problems of RMB internationalization and the impact on the Chinese economy which is also analyzed. And summarized the positive impact of Chinese economy by the development trend of RMB internationalizationConclusions of this study are:1, The current foreign exchange control improvement, a substantial increase in cross-border trade RMB settlement, economic strength and the overall strength of the steady increase of RMB internationalization provides a solid condition, the current time is exactly the right time;2, The process of internationalization of the government to provide a favorable macro environment, and promote the process of internationalization of the RMB, the RMB settlement of cross-border trade, foreign investment and the yuan fully convertible currency, the RMB exchange rate fluctuations and to reduce uncertainty which brought. RMB internationalization accelerated in2013after substantial progress;3, The output of RMB through multiple channels at the same time, there must open and orderly domestic financial market, establishing offshore RMB back channel to promote all aspects of asset management play its advantages, in order to continue to promote the internationalization of the RMB; while the construction of Shanghai international financial center working with the RMB internationalization development are mutually reinforcing;4, The RMB internationalization process ignore certain circumstances such as cross-border trade RMB settlement of uneven development, where speculation and arbitrage financing led to conflicts between internal and external economies and many other issues;5, Taking full account of the risks and problems, the RMB internationalization impact on China’s economy in general is positive, sustained and stable. RMB internationalization is conducive to building international financial system, the asset management provide new opportunities and challenges; same time be able to improve our macroeconomic policies in the global influence and international affairs discourse, is likely to become the next bonus of China following the demographic dividend.
Keywords/Search Tags:RMB internationalization, Capital account convertibility, strategy ofdevelopment, economic impact
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