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Under The Communication Perspective "old" Reinventing Research

Posted on:2014-05-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J YangFull Text:PDF
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China is an ancient country has a long history of ifve thousand years, the heritageof history left us countless old Chinese is one of the essence of one set of material andcultural as a whole, condensation of the wisdom of working people and technology,Business history shows China’s prosperity and level of civilization. Old Chinese eitherin the past or the present, with its unique charm affect our lives. However, when wemove into the modern wave of economic development, but found that the inlfuence ofthe old is gradually fading out of our sight, far less than its market share and visibilityWestern "century enterprise. After the reform and opening up, a large number of foreigngoods into the Chinese market, with its accompanying Western culture and values,which all affect the heritage and development of traditional Chinese culture. To revivethe old glory, wake precipitation become our material and spiritual culture, the pursuitof a new dream in the hearts of the people of China.Old rebranding is built on top of its unique brand value by repositioning old and itsproducts, the establishment of heritage and innovative brand identity system and theintegration of a variety of marketing communications means to achieve its purpose is tochange or overthrow of the old in the minds of the old brand, to create a new brandimage to enhance the visibility of the old in modern society, in order to obtain themarketing interests.The remodeling of the old Chinese from the Perspective of Communication Studies,domestic academic major concern in the ifeld of brand building and brand promotionstrategy, as well as a focus on the brand image design,brand positioning, brandextension, and the maintenance of the brand and the brand’s core values reifnedresearch methods focus on empiricism and pragmatism. Study abroad from the outsetreferred to as the "old" brand, and the brand as a business and intangible assets, and thusstudy abroad, mainly on brand equity. Hope through the fusion of brand communicationand integrated marketing communication theory, combined with the spread of oldChinese practice to identiyf its shortcomings and successes, practice old Chinese can berevitalized in the new historical conditions, sustainable development is possible sex.Brand communication is the communication between the brand and the targetaudience to cross the bridge,scientiifc and effective brand communication strategy theold remodeling,the development of a powerful weapon, this article through on multiplesuccess or failure of the case analysis, extraction and Western old brand marketing dissemination of experience, hoping to provide reference for the old Chinese brandcommunication, reference examples to make it on the actual situation, you can utilizethese advanced concept of marketing communications, the old "gold standard" to shineagain.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinatime-honoredband, Rebranding, Brand Communication, Wong LoKat Case Study
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