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Analysis On Rural Land System Changes Since The Founding Of New China

Posted on:2015-01-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S F ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330425495474Subject:History of Economic Thought
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Agriculture is the most basic industry of our economy, and has a huge and profound influence on people’s lives, social stability and economic development. In recent years, the "three rural" issue has been a bottleneck hindering the rapid development of China’s economy, and the sustainable development of the agriculture is deeply concerned with the process of industrialization, urbanization and modernization of our country. The Report to the Eighteenth National Congress of the CPC stressed:"Three rural" is the priority among priorities of the party’s work, the integration of urban and rural development is the fundamental way to solve the "three rural" issues. On the other hand, the farmers live on the land, farmland is the most basic means of agricultural production, as well as the fundamental guarantee for the survival of farmers. Therefore, land resources and its utilization efficiency will directly affect the sustainable development of agriculture and even the whole society.The research on China rural land system is the classical example which applies economic theory to explaining the China contemporary economic problems. It analizes five rural land system, including land privatization, rural land cooperatiives, people’s commune, the household contract responsibility system and land transfer and scale operation, following the evolution of the rural land system since the founding of People’s Republic of China. Besides, based on each period of rural production and the gradual chaning process of distribution pattern, the report induces the characteristics of each rural land system. According to that, it models combining the analysis method of the static with the dynamic mathematical model of evaluation to eveluate the influence of the transition of rural land system on national and rural economic development. Meanwhile, the report sums up the general law of agricultural production and distribution process.This paper believes that studying on the characteristics of the rural land system in each period and evaluating rural land institutional change have both positive and negative effects on agricultural economic growth, and have great significance on further reform in China’s agricultural land system. This paper demonstrates the necessity of land system in the specific historical environment, holding that only properly implementing land scale management on the premise of sticking to collective ownership of land, can the weak position of the current agricultural in the national economy be changed, can the "three rural" issues be fundamentally solved.The main innovation of this paper lies in:(1) On the basic of inducing the characteristics of various agricultural systems implemented since the founding of the PRC, it constructs a set of mathematical models, entirely linking the land management of all periods, analyzing the internal logic of land management transtion under different systems of agricultural land.(2) Beyong the inertia of thinking, it fully considers the different effects of institutional change on the individual farmers of varieties, institutional change, and thus elevates the evolution of the land system from a relatively objective perspective.(3) Combing the diversified government targets with economic models, it analyzes the fundamental purpose and vision of the Government to implement specific land system in a specific period from angles.
Keywords/Search Tags:Land System, Institutional Change, Economic Development
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