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The Risk Control Of Construction Enterprises Under Two Layers Of Separation

Posted on:2014-11-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S WangFull Text:PDF
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As the mainstay industry of the national economy, construction enterprises mainly shoulder the vital task of the nation-building and provide the various infrastructures for the development of national economy, which contribute significantly to the improvement of the people’s material and cultural life. Since1984, construction enterprises have been carrying out the reform on the mode of labor and employment, which consequently impelled the separation of the two layers of management and labor. This kind of reform leads to the change of control relations and interests and poises a higher demand for managerial and technological standard. The development of the two layer’s separation has strengthened the degree of specialization and core competitiveness. However, it has also caused the moral hazard and adverse selection of construction enterprises.Therefore, control of the job layer is very necessary in the development of construction enterprises. The text conducted research on hazard and controlling methods in construction enterprises under sunch a background.Initially, based on the literature research, the research status of the two layer’s separation and hazard control were concluded, while the shaping process and development of the two layer’s separation was analyzed based on labor division theory. Then, the original cause of moral hazard and adverse selection was analyzed by using contract theory. Subsequently, the game model between management and labor jobs layer was-constructed. Moral hazard under single game between management and job layer was analyzed. Additionally, through repeated game cases analysis, it was concluded that repeated game can change the expected profits of the two sides of the game, as well as both the rational level and decision-making point of departure, thereby affecting the change in behavior of the two sides. The fuzzy analytic hierarchy process was used to build jobs layer evaluation index system. By introducing the real-world enterprise data, the feasibility of the evaluation system was verified. It was concluded that the construction of hazard evaluation index system can provide standard for evaluating the cooperation ability, as well as methods for management layer to control potential hazard in verse selection.The paper attempts to enrich the theoretical basis of the separation of two levels and provide new perspective and methods for the hazard control in construction enterprises. Additionally, the text hopes to enhance the management of construction enterprise risk control and management level, improve the professional quality of the labor force, strengthen the construction of worked layer and provide reference to regulate the construction labor market.
Keywords/Search Tags:risk control, construction enterprises, separation of two layers, moral hazard, adverse selection
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