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A Comparative Study On The Commercial Insurance Of Xinjiang And Kazakhstan

Posted on:2014-09-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y NanFull Text:PDF
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With the developing of economic globalization, the regional economic globalization, theregional economic integration process in advance, as the core of the world economy, the financialintegration process also is in the rapid development, each part of the financial industry betweeneach other, mutual fusion. Insurance is an important part of the financial industry, since the1990s,development of national insurance industry rapidly, insurance and status in the nationaleconomy increasingly prominent.The fastest growing Central Asia country is the central area of Kazakhstan, its rapideconomic development. Since the implementation of the western development strategy, From ourcountry, Xinjiang in the areas of economy, culture and development have made remarkableprogress. China(Xinjiang) to promote and the Central Asian countries can further promoteXinjiang westward opening dynamics, and security of Xinjiang realize the healthy and rapiddevelopment.At present, research on Chinese Xinjiang and Kazakhstan mainly concentrated in the fieldsof energy cooperation and regional financial cooperation, the parties experts did not doparticularly in-depth study. This paper is a comparative study of Xinjiang and Kazakhstancommercial insurance, first introduced the development status of both commercial insurance andthen do a qualitative and quantitative comparison, which uses the way of AHP, throughqualitative and quantitative analysis, draw the same conclusion, the overall level of developmentof the commercial insurance industry of Xinjiang is higher than Kazakhstan commercialinsurance industry,then analyzes the development of both commercial insurance differences withreason, finally, put forward Xinjiang to cooperate with Kazakhstan in the fields of futurecommercial insurance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Commercial insurance, Comparative study, Analytic Hierarchy Process
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