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Outsourcing SME Loans Commercial Banks

Posted on:2015-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J WangFull Text:PDF
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Outsourcing of financial services outsourcing industry is an important part inrecent years, with the continuous changes in China’s banking, insurance and otherfinancial body business services outsourcing continues to open up and rapiddevelopment.1990s, China’s banking industry began to get involved in outsourcing,IT systems from the early outsourcing, outsourcing gradually extended to credit cards,ATM outsourcing, human resources outsourcing, outsourcing loan until recently.Outsourcing has become to improve efficiency, improve business processes, optimizethe structure of the inevitable choice.All along, there SME financing difficulties, the phenomenon of getting loansfrom commercial banks point of view, mainly due to the commercial banks to provideloans to SMEs service cost and high risk, to solve this dilemma, only through bankloans optimize business processes to change. At present, the main solution isoutsourced. By outsourcing, the service provider can not only take advantage of theadvantages to make up for their lack of internal resources, bank, reduce operatingcosts, it can better control bank risk, improve service levels, and higher commercialvalue of the loan by redesigning business processes. Commercial bank lending toSMEs outsource become suitable for new ideas for sustainable development banks,not only to support SMEs to respond positively to the country’s policies to help SMEsto the sustained and healthy development, but also for commercial banks to findanother new path of development, the number can be described in one fell swoop too.This paper discusses the theory and qualitative analysis of the current newcommercial bank loans for SMEs to start outsourcing research. First of SME loans tocommercial banks to outsource the background, purpose and meaning wereintroduced; Secondly, the concept of commercial bank loans to SMEs outsourcing,characteristics, development of motivation and development status elaborate; onceagain from the perspective of the value chain theory, commercial bank loans to SMEs flow analysis, and based on the core competence theory and transaction cost theory,loans to SMEs outsource part of the analysis, combined with the concrete practice ofco-existing commercial banks and third parties are discussed classification; finallycommercial bank loans to SMEs outsourcing risk and prevention recommendations.Since less current literature on domestic loans outsourcing, outsourcing ofcommercial bank loans for SMEs is also an emerging financial innovation, thespecific practice also just emerging, therefore, relatively new research point of thisarticle, has begun or is about to commence outsourcing bank loans some reference,enhanced usability.
Keywords/Search Tags:Commercial banks, SME loans, Loan outsourcing
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