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An Empirical Study Of Xinjiang Financial Development And Economic Growth Relationship

Posted on:2014-04-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C M MiFull Text:PDF
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With the gradually carry out the western development strategy, the country furtherstrengthen arrangements for the deployment of the new era of all work in Xinjiang, the centralXinjiang work forum, held in May2010, two of the development and stability of Xinjiangfaces major issues, both opportunities and challenges, the party and state leaders also clearlygave the word:"set to the wisdom of the whole Party, to give strong support to give the powerof the various ethnic groups in the country, in terms of policy, institutional, economic, andhuman resources, and gradually strengthen the work in Xinjiang, accelerate and promoteXinjiang’s leapfrog development and lasting peace and stability ". Therefore, Xinjiang is oneof the more important task is to accelerate the pace of economic growth.At present, the existing academic achievements of foreign and domestic perspectivealmost all of them focus on the national level and regional level, the domestic research forspecific provinces is only flourished in recent years, and the study is concentrated in one ofthe few provinces between, only a handful of studies comparing the relationship between twoor more provinces, financial development and economic growth, the comparative study of therelationship between the two other provinces, Xinjiang, is basically a blank state. This paperselected the12western provinces to develop a big gap between the two regions-Xinjiangand Chongqing, as an object of study, compared by qualitative and quantitative research toidentify the gap between Xinjiang and Chongqing where more comprehensive for futureresearch in Xinjiang reference suggestions and data, but also conducive to the cause ofconcern and attention of the relevant departments of financial development in Xinjiang, theXinjiang economy to achieve efficient, rapid, sustained and steady growth, and the successfulcompletion of the12th five-year plan to develop the policy goals.
Keywords/Search Tags:Financial development, Economic growth, Financial deepening, Industrial structure
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