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The Research On The Monetary Policy Based On The Perspective Of The Regional Differences

Posted on:2014-02-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Monetary policy is the central bank of a country or a region through control of themoney supply to adjust the country or region’s economy, a country or region’s economy reacha certain goal. In general, national or regional monetary policy mainly total mediation,emphasis on regulation of economic operation of the whole country or region, so that peoplein the study of monetary policy, often only for a country or region’s overall macro level, whileignoring the internal development of national or regional differences. Due to differences incountries or region economic development, will make monetary policy within differentregions produce different effect, the differences in regional development especially withincountries. Based on this in the light of the different development situation in our country,studies the regional effect of monetary policy in our country.There is biggish difference in this paper, based on current economic development in ourcountry, our country can be divided into eight major economic zones, adopt the method ofcombining theoretical analysis and empirical analysis, research our country monetary policyeffectiveness in the regional differences. First in this paper, the evaluation of the theory ofoptimum currency areas and the development of the theory, and introduces the monetarypolicy transmission channels. By the optimum currency area criteria to judge our country doesnot belong to the optimal currency area, and through the empirical analysis shows that thereexists the regional effect of monetary policy, and monetary policy effectiveness of the coastaleconomic developed area in economic less developed than other areas. Then from China’sregional development and regional monetary policy transmission channels of monetary policyexist in our country was analyzed the cause of the regional effect. Finally combined with thedevelopment of the regional situation, in view of status quo of regional effects of monetarypolicy in China, puts forward some Suggestions for narrowing the difference of regionalmonetary policy effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:monetary policy, regional effect, IRF
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