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Characteristic Of Russian Market Economy Pattern

Posted on:2014-12-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J K i m R o d i o n JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330422452044Subject:International Trade
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Soviet Union, the Russian economy has experienced from a planned economyto a market economy. Russia’s independence, the Russian government in themanagement system has also experienced many changes. Yeltsin’s "shock therapy"economic reforms, Putin "controlled market economy," Medvedev means ofeconomic development and economic liberalization policies and the country’sdemocratization process of building a market economy in Russia, which has been agreat role.Russia’s market economy characteristics, mainly reflected in two aspects:market regulation and state regulation. In terms of market regulation, based onRussian economic development important points. First, Russia is private property,the Constitution, the protection of private property as well as its role in a marketeconomy. Second, the Russian government’s support for SME development is animportant factor in the development of the Russian economy and the necessaryconditions. Third, the Russian privatization strategy, the Russian government in theimplementation of a market economy, improve the efficiency of state-ownedenterprises and privatization policies of economic growth. In the state regulation,the first study Russian social security system, a larger proportion of the Russiangovernment component side. Second, Russia’s macroeconomic policy, the Russiangovernment is the primary means of controlling inflation. Third, the Russian importtax policy, budget deficits and the protection of the Russian-made way.
Keywords/Search Tags:Market Economy, Macro Regulation, Market Regulation
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