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The Research On The Problems And Countermeasures Of The Scientific And Technological Achievements Transformation And Industrialization In Hunan Province

Posted on:2014-09-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330401990706Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the background of an increasingly competitive global economy, scientific andtechnological achievements transformation and industrialization has become animportant way to promote economic development, convert the style of economicdevelopment and optimize the industrial structure upgrading. Establish and improvethe scientific and technological achievements transformation and industrializationmechanisms have become a common choice for many countries, our country realizedthe only way to build an innovative country is to achieve the scientific andtechnological transformation and industrialization. How to improve the scientific andtechnological achievements transformation and industrialization were affected by thevarious national and regional attention. In order to improve scientific andtechnological achievements transformation and industrialization rate, they havestudied the influencing factor in scientific and technological achievementstransformation and industrialization, like information, policy, capital, technology,market demand and other aspects were studied in order to achieve scientific andtechnological achievements transformation and industrialization in all aspects and inall subjects highly cooperative.Firstly, the article establish the purpose, content, and ideas, introduce scientificand technological achievements transformation and industrialization connotation,characteristics and significance in the interpretation of the relevant theory on the basisof scientific and technological achievements and identify ways to improve the rate ofindustrialization and internal factors guidance. Secondly, through the domestic andinternational scientific and technological achievements transformation andindustrialization of the analysis of practices and experiences, Hunan Provincescientific and technological achievements transformation and industrializationreference. Through scientific and technological achievements transformation andindustrialization in Hunan Province of the status quo analysis, summed up theproblems and their causes were analyzed for dealing with the problem trying toestablish a sound scientific and technological achievements transformation andindustrialization investment and financing system, establish and improve the scientificand technological achievements transformation and industrialization of intermediaryservice system, to create a scientific and technological achievements transformation and industrialization to improve environmental conditions and technologicalachievements transformation and industrialization in Hunan Province mechanisms toenhance regional competitiveness and innovation capacity, accelerate the pace ofbuilding innovation.
Keywords/Search Tags:scientific and technological achievements, transformation, industrialization, problems, countermeasures
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