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Research On Financial Services In Sugar Industry Of A Bank Guangxi Branch

Posted on:2014-06-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S T ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330401986207Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After accession to WTO, with the in-depth reformation in China, our sugar industry,by continuous optimization and integration, has gradually developed into a comprehensive industrial chain and a key factor impacting people’s livelihood, set planting, processing, waste recycling, circulation and consumption into one. Given the circumstance of market economy, the continuous development of sugar business is closely and inseparably related to financial services from commercial banks. However, traditional financial services concept still plays the leading role in current marketing mode of domestic banks, which makes themselves can not cope with the complex and changeful marketing environment and restricts greatly the continuous development of sugar and its downstream industries.Justifying from the perspective of bank A Guangxi branch, this article firstly introduces its purpose and significance, summarizes current research findings both at home and abroad on financial services in sugar industry, chooses some of methods and develops the research idea. Secondly, it analyses the financial service needs of Guangxi sugar industry, taking an overall perspective to introduce the type, scale and characteristic of financial service. Then, it analyses the current situation and comprehensively elaborates the service process and mode that exists in bank A Guangxi branch. Last but not least, practical problems are put forward. Researching from problems representation and the causes, it breaks down four aspects:credits share, structure, overall profits and service products coverage. Making the analysis go deeper, this paper proposes some targeted countermeasures and suggestions, aiming to improve and optimize the financial service mode in bank A Guangxi branch. At the same time, it also can be a good marketing reference for other financial institutions.The author has served in bank A Guangxi branch for ages, specializing in the financial services provided to sugar business. He has accumulated a wealth of experience, materials and cases. The innovation of this thesis is that the author from a view of a front-line worker, with a theoretical foundation, analyses the problems active in the financial services of bank A Guangxi branch supplied to sugar industry, which provides us the typical research values and could be turned to directly in the daily work.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bank A Gnangxi branth, Sugar Industry, Finantial Services
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