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The Frame Of China’s Kailu Prefecture Rural Development Study

Posted on:2014-09-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y D M OuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330401979753Subject:Political economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Our country is a large agricultural nation, the "three agriculture" problem is a verylong time effect on our country’s economy sustained in the current and future, stable andhealthy development is social stability of the important problem, the rural economic andsocial development in China’s economic and social problem is an important preconditionof the development of long-term stability. The rural economic and social development ofthe domestic directly about the market demand, the relationship between the nationalfood security and the effect on our country’s modernization process and realize thecomprehensive well-off society goal in the key. From the solution look, solve theproblem of rural industrialization is to solve the key problem of " three agriculture ", therural policy system and economic system as the development of rural economy is themost important capital elements configuration system, will undoubtedly become the ruraleconomic reform in a focus. At present our country agriculture and rural developmentcenter mission is to promote the rural economic structure strategic adjustment, whetherthrough the urbanization transfer of rural surplus labor, or through the adjustment of ruralindustrialization of agriculture production structure, need to have a lot of moneyaccumulation and reclosing, all without government support and farmers’ own efforts.But according to the current situation, our country rural industrial structure is notreasonable, income structure is not reasonable, the structure of talents is not reasonableand investment structure unreasonable problems, due to the restriction of simplificationof agricultural production, the farmer’s production and operation system of therestrictions, labor quality and technical personnel the shortage of natura l resources andinfrastructure aging and the overall investment, such as the shortage of the factors, makesthe rural economic development is constrained in our country, and then lead to the slowprocess of rural economic development.Based on this background, the development of rural economy of our country currentsituation, process, are faced with the problem and cause more comprehensive andsystematic analysis, and the advanced experience of the developed countries forreference, construct the framework of China’s rural development.The paper has divided into six chapters:The first chapter is introduction, mainly elaborates the research background andsignificance, research methods and the structure arrangement, and put forward theresearch difficulties, and insufficient innovation place. The second chapter is both at home and abroad on the rural development theory, ourcountry rural development historical background and connotation, this paper summarizesthe history of China’s rural development experience, successful mode are faced with theproblem.The third chapter deals with the Kailu prefecture rural development general situationand evolution process, and analyzes there rural existing in the development of theindustrial structure is not reasonable, income structure is not reasonable, the structure oftalents is not reasonable and investment structure is not reasonable, etc, and the problemsin rural region of China, the rural development problems of agricultural production andsimplification of the restriction, the farmer’s production and operation system of therestrictions, labor quality and technical personnel the shortage of natural resources,infrastructure aging and the overall investment, such as the shortage of the reason tocarry on the analysis.The fourth chapter is the United States, Germany and Japan the three representativedeveloped country rural development present situation, the process and mode areanalyzed, summed up for our country rural construction of enlightenment.The fifth chapter is the point of view of the three industries construct our countryKailu prefecture rural development framework. The first is the agriculturalmodernization of industry management, followed by accelerating the development ofChina’s rural industrial enterprises, at the same time should pay attention to thedevelopment of the tertiary industry in rural areas.Chapter6from the government support, farmers to promote and resources based onthree aspects, this paper puts forward the construction of the China’s Kailu prefecturerural development framework policy Suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Kailu prefecture, rural economy, economic development, research of framework
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