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The Analysis About Causes Of Operating Social Programs By Private Enterprises

Posted on:2014-12-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Q HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330401978278Subject:Social security
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, the phenomenon of operating social programs by privateenterprises appears on newspapers. By providing many kinds of recreational facilitiesand life services for their employees, such as dining rooms, dorms, recreation roomsand reading rooms, some private enterprise progressively build their own “smallsociety”. The phenomenon of operating social programs is not a new thing. Actually,during planned economy period, it is very common among state-owned enterprises.However, they are gradually discarding this kind of duty due to the reform ofstate-owned enterprises. In fact, operating social programs had put very heavyeconomic burdens on these enterprises. As a result, some of the state-ownedenterprises have to slow their development. The private enterprises do not have theobligation to operate social programs, but since the change of social environment,some of them are voluntarily performing this duty. The private enterprises are playingvery important roles in the economic development. By researching operating socialprograms by private enterprises, we can gain the information of problems of theseprivate companies during their development process. This research will not onlyprovide us with new perspectives to observe these problems, but also give somesuggestions to improve companies’ healthy development. Currently, a large amount of peasant-workers are employed by private companies. They provide their workers withlife services and facilities to improve their living quality. Due to this reason, myresearch has a positive meaning on solving the peasant-worker problem. In addition,operating social programs by private enterprises is a supplement of the publicresources and services invested by the government. The research can also reveal theproblems in the public resources and services supplying, so that may lay a foundationfor solving them. In this case, this paper have researched the causes behind thephenomenon of operating social programs by private enterprises.At first, in order to find out the similarity among different corporations’ societysuch that gain a researching direction to focus on, this paper tries to give a descriptionof the operating social programs by private enterprises by researching relateddocuments and investigating in real companies. Based on these researches, this paperhave concentrated on analyzing the causes why private corporations operate socialprograms. Because corporations’ behaviors can be affected by inner and outer facts,this paper have researched the causes of the operating social programs by privateenterprises from three aspects including economic environment, corporate socialresponsibility, the supply of public resources and services. Economic environment andsupply of public resources and services are the outer facts need to be considered, andcorporate social responsibility is the inner one. For economic environment, this paperhave analyzed the effect of economic structure and labor market on operating socialprograms. For corporate social responsibility, this paper have analyzed possiblemotivation of private enterprises, based on morality, economy and regime. For supplyof public resources and services, this paper have pointed out companies’ helpless thatthey have no choice but operating social programs. At last, this paper will concludeand rethink about the causes and consequences for operating social programs byprivate enterprises.Existing documents focus more on operating social programs by state-ownedenterprises during planned economy period, but concentrate less on privatecorporations under the market-oriented economy. Moreover, they researched a lot onthe type and effect of employee’s benefits that provided by company, but analyzed less on the deep reason why the corporation giving these benefits. This paper doesmost of the research on the private corporation’s motivation, and have discussed itdepend on three aspects-economic environment, corporate social responsibility, thesupply of public resources and services. So, it is an innovation in some sense.
Keywords/Search Tags:operating social programs, private enterprise, corporate social responsibility, peasant-worker
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