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A Study On Social Responsibility Information Disclosure Of The Influencing Factors About Listed Companies In China

Posted on:2014-10-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LiFull Text:PDF
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Corporate social responsibility is an important trend of the times, is an important manifestationof the core values of the modern enterprise and competitiveness of enterprise development today. In ourcountry, with the development of the socialist market economic system continuously improved, theimplementation of scientific concept of development, building a socialist harmonious society andtransforming the pattern of economic development ideas win support among the people, corporate socialresponsibility theory and practice has developed rapidly. From Shenzhen Stock Exchange published "Shenzhen Stock Exchange listing Corporation guidance on social responsibility "in2006, to " Chinacorporate social responsibility report writing guide2"which had been published in2011March, a series ofstandardized listing Corporation social responsibility information disclosure policies have been introduced,the number of CSR report also increased year by year, the listing Corporation information disclosure ofsocial responsibility become a trend.At the same time, we should also noted that due to the late start of our corporate socialresponsibility, the theoretical research has lagged far behind the development of the practice, which led tothe Social Responsibility Report has been no uniform standard, corporate social responsibility informationdisclosure level varies greatly. Therefore, based on the background of this system, through the analysis ofthe status of social responsibility information disclosure of listed companies, and the factors that influencesocial responsibility information disclosure made an empirical test, which is of great significance toimprove the level of social responsibility information disclosure of listed companies in China.This paper is divided into six chapters, focuses on the research of social responsibility information disclosure influence factors of listing Corporation.The first chapter is the introduction, mainly elaborated the research background and significanceof social responsibility information disclosure system of the present stage environment, proposes theresearch thinking, methods and framework of this article.The second chapter is the literature review, summarized the existing research achievements ofdomestic and international social responsibility information disclosure, including the contents of socialresponsibility information disclosure of the definition, measurement methods and the influencing factors.The third chapter is theoretical basis, connotation firstly define the concept of corporate socialresponsibility, then from the point of view of stakeholder theory, principal-agent theory, signaling theory asa theoretical analysis of the necessity of social responsibility information disclosure of listing Corporation.The fourth chapter is the analysis of the present situation of our social responsibility informationdisclosure of listing Corporation. Mainly on the system of disclosure of China’s current socialresponsibility information analysis, and expounds the content and form of our social responsibilityinformation disclosure.The fifth chapter is the empirical analysis, including research hypotheses put forward, sampleselection, data screening and model building. On the basis of theoretical analysis, this paper put forwardthe hypothesis, and select870A shares of listing Corporation’s social responsibility reports from2009to2011in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges as the research sample, to test the sample data by thestatistical software. Ultimately, we found that the size of the company, asset-liability ratio, OwnershipConcentration important factors that influence corporate social responsibility information disclosure, whileprofitability, whether state-owned shares, did not show a significant impact of social responsibilityinformation disclosure. The sixth chapter research is conclusion and suggestion. Based on the conclusion of empiricalanalysis, we put forward the corresponding policy suggestions on how to improve our social responsibilityinformation disclosure. Mainly include:(1) strengthen social responsibility information disclosure of listedcompanies in the guidelines and the legal system;(2) raise awareness of social responsibility informationdisclosure of listed companies, and to encourage public companies to disclose more social responsibilityinformation;(3) improve the attention and participation of the public, strengthen the supervision of publicopinion;(4) the establishment of the listed corporate social responsibility report certification system.
Keywords/Search Tags:social responsibility, information disclosure, influencing factor
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