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Research On The Financial Business Innovation Of China’s State-owned Commercial Bank

Posted on:2014-03-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M GeFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Commercial Bank of business innovation is the core content of the commercial bank finance innovation. The state-owned commercial banks are the main body of China’s banking system, and play an important role in China’s financial development. Therefore, this thesis selects the level of China’s state-owned commercial banks in the financial business innovation as the focus of the study. The step of business innovation in Chinese banking industry is slow. In the face of WTO, China’s finance industry is entirely opened to outside, commercial banks in home will be confronted with huge impact of foreign banks.The article through the instance analysis and demonstration of the method of combining research, on the basis of the analysis of the theory of domestic and foreign financial innovation and bank innovative operational research will focus on analyzing the business of China’s state-owned commercial bank assets, liabilities, business and intermediary business innovation, and then put forward a number of specific policy recommendations on business innovation and development of China’s state-owned commercial banks. In this paper, the idea is:The first part is an introduction introduces the research background, significance, as well as domestic and foreign research results, and sets out the thesis research methods, research framework, as well as innovation. The second part is the theoretical basis. Provides a theoretical basis for this study; The third part of China’s state-owned commercial banks and financial business innovation comb to determine the mode of property rights, China’s state-owned commercial banks and business strategy, the low level of financial services and risk control four aspects of the problem. The fourth chapter analyzes the constraints of China’s state-owned commercial banking business innovation. The fifth part is to speed up China’s state-owned commercial banks and financial innovation business strategies.
Keywords/Search Tags:China’s state-owned commercial bank, Financial business innovation, Strategy
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