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Research On Faithful Represent Of Accounting Information

Posted on:2014-02-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y B LiFull Text:PDF
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Theory of accounting information in financial accounting is an important subject in the study.Many scholars studied information from property, the role of accounting information and supply anddemand relationship. However, for all respects,quality of accounting information in the study isparticularly important. Because it not only contacts accounting objective and accounting factors.Moreover, with the continuous development of capital markets,capital markets cases of false informationalways happen. Especially since entering the21st century,as Enron, WorldCom,and Yinguangxiafinancial information, such as a false case,led to a growing concern on the quality of financialinformation,and even some people began to doubt the usefulness of financial accounting information.Therefore,for a study on accounting information quality has become an extremely urgent problem.Therefore,States began to again study on the quality of financial information. Start with FASB and IASBconceptual framework for the development of joint, finally published jointly in September2010theconcept of qualitative characteristics of accounting information announcement, in which big changes forjoint conceptual framework is to faithfully reflect the place of reliability, will reflect and relevance as themain qualitative characteristics of accounting information.Although many scholars in the past studied accounting information, but never gave a definitionthat is accepted. This article analyzes different scholars on research of accounting information, tried togive a definition of accounting information is as follows: Manager corporate accounting standards based oneconomic activity after the processing of the resulting data helps users make economic decisions to theformation of financial reporting as a carrier of content. This article by comparing previous research on accounting essence that "theory of information system","management theory" and "theory of controlsystems" there are disadvantage one way or another, in turn made accounting value tool is essentially ameasurement of enterprise’s economic resources. In addition, the accounting is based on a measurementtool based on the conclusion that the goal is to provide the reflect of the accounting information in order toreduce the information asymmetry of information between providers and users, to eventually reach thereasonable allocation of economic resources. Then you can see from the supply and demand of accountinginformation, not only the users of accounting information in capital market on the authenticity ofaccounting information users have a strong demand, provide a certain degree of accounting informationrequired on the authenticity of accounting information. Healthy development of the capital market andeconomy are inseparable from the rational allocation of resources reflects the accounting information.Truthfully and faithfully reflect the content of the meaning of this by building on research ofconcept framework by FASB and believes that financial accounting should reflect the entire flow ofeconomic resources in the enterprise value of the business. Comparison and reflect with the reliability andrelevance of relations, found that truly reflect the relative reliability, more attention to the real objectiveof accounting information in unlike reliability, subjective. And confirmation of what is the basis ofrelevance, left reflect the basis of qualitative characteristics of relevance cannot afford. This articleconcludes that improving accounting information reflects on the metrological properties of insisted on ahistorical cost basis, and other measurement attributes. In addition, in order to reflect the accountinginformation, not only to improve the quality of accounting personnel, improving the authenticity ofaccounting information from the source also should strengthen the management of capital market,ensuring the authenticity of information in circulation and finally to improve consumer’s understanding ofaccounting information accounting information, accounting information so as to make its role in resource allocation process.
Keywords/Search Tags:accounting information, faithful represent, reliability, relativity
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