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Researching Policy Of Narrowing The Income Gap Of Urban Residents In Inner Mongolia

Posted on:2014-02-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330398984647Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Narrowing the income gap is a basic task of building a harmonioussociety. Along with the deepening impact on the economic and society, thisproblem has caused more and more social attention from all walks of life. Inrecent years, Inner Mongolia’s economy is growing rapidly. On this basis,Inner Mongolia has unveiled a series of policies and measures of obtainingadditional incomes, urban residents’ income growth quickly. However, it isundeniable that accompanying income levels increase, the income gapbetween urban residents in Inner Mongolia is also expanding. If we do notpay attention to this problem, it will restrain consumer spending level, affectthe economy sustained healthy development, cause feelings of resentment,affect social stability and unity.This paper starts from the description of present situation of urbanresidents’ income gap, focusing on analysis of different groups data on theincome of urban residents in Inner Mongolia, contrasting of Inner Mongoliaurban residents’ income gap in the western region as well as National. Forthe reasons of the income gap between urban residents, this paper suggestedgiving full play to the macroeconomic regulation and control.The paper data from the China Statistical Yearbooks, the StatisticalYearbook of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and other provinces.Qualitative and quantitative methods both have been used to study the extentof the income gap of urban residents in Inner Mongolia. Through the studyof different times and different industries, different sources and differentareas of the urban residents’ income gap, concluded that if we do not givefull play to the role of macro-control, the income gap of urban residents willcontinue to expand, and even accelerate the expansion and affect socialstability. After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of current policy of narrowing the income gap between urban residents in Inner Mongolia, Ithink we should speed up the economic development, improve the incomelevel; strengthen primary distribution, establish reasonable salary long-termgrowth mechanism; improve the finance, social security policy of secondaryredistribution; create a more fair external environment; perfect themechanism of market employment and re-employment, broaden theemployment channels.This paper is divided into five parts. The introductory sectionintroduces theoretical and practical significance of narrowing the incomegap between urban residents in policy research, overview of academicresearch on the income gap. The first part introduces the present situation ofthe income gap between urban residents in Inner Mongolia, and usingappropriate methods by different period, different industries and differentregions. The second part analyzes the causes of the gap between the incomeof urban residents in Inner Mongolia, and instructions from common reasonsand regional reasons. On the basis of system analysis of the cause of theincome gap, the third part makes comprehensive and systematic analysis onthe influence of the expanding income gap between urban residents in InnerMongolia from the social, economic, and political aspects. The fourth partbased on the analysis of the pros and cons of the current policy of narrowingthe income gap between urban residents in Inner Mongolia, puts forwardpolicy recommendations to reduce the income gap, to achieve the necessarysocial justice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urban Residents, Income Gap, Policy Recommendations
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