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Research On The Key Success Factors Of Internet Enterprise

Posted on:2013-01-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330395488522Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Entrepreneurs and businessmen keep devoting to internet industry due to its enormousfortune-making capacities and great prospective; however, the increasingly fiercecompetitions in the market expose the limitations and risks of industry developments. On onehand, the globalized economic marketing environment forces Chinese internet companies topay attention to viabilities brought by technology and competition advantages; on the other,the increasing number of internet users and user’s diversified needs demand more precisetarget marketing and user demands. Therefore, the key success factors for Internet enterprisecan be search by using precisely analytical approach which based on concerning thedevelopment of Internet enterprise and studying the successful cases. It has great referencevalue and practical significance for not only the scale enterpreises which need to keepcompetitive edge in the industry of Internet, but also the small and medium-sized enterprisesthat are fresh in market and keen on finding development opportunities.Based on the key success factors theory and operating characteristics of internetenterprise, by referring to successful experiences in the industry and analyzing the cases ofBaidu, Tencent and Alibaba, the thesis explodes key success factors of internet enterprises.The research outcomes are as followed: as in chance, timing and project decision haveimpacts on the success factors; as for resources, financial capacity is the most fundamentaland the key factor, and concentrating on product strategy and client’s needs may benefitmining added value in core domain. The effects of innovation differ in different corporationtypes. Plus, brand promotion plays important role in the beginning of business emerging stageand launching new products. As for enterprise group, judgment, persistency, daring andmaking the best of employees are the best-needed qualities of internet enterprise leaders.The thesis will first review and analyze the former researches on enterprise key successfactors theories, so as to provide a more visualized theoretical frame. Secondly, enterprise keysuccess factors will be exploded from the internet industry perspectives; environment,operation diversities and time span will be used in the thesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Internet Enterprise, Key Success Factors, Multi-case Study
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