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Research On China’s Economic Development Mode

Posted on:2013-09-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Q YaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330392965485Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since its founding, Chinese economic development has gone through with four period, theyare planned economy, social transition, early market institutions and the socialist marketeconomy. In this four times in the course of evolution, our economic development has achievedremarkable results. However, along with the deepening of economic globalization, there aremany problems still exist in the development process, such as the over-reliance on theinvestment and exports in the economic development which hides huge economic crisis,theunreasonable industrial structure of the economic hinders industrial upgrading and industrialcompetitiveness, the insufficient of technology innovation capacity and heavily dependent onforeign technology, the lackness of the consumption ability has seriously hindered thedevelopment of the domestic economy,employment market confusion caused a sharpcontradiction of labor supply and demand, the extensive mode of economic development lead tothe deterioration of the environment and wastes of resources and other problems. In this kind ofdevelopment mode, national income is difficult to have a larger ascendant space which may facea "middle income trap" that causing the rising social tension. Therefore, in order to get morelong-term healthy development of the economy of the country, we must change our mode ofeconomic development from both the theoretical and practical perspective. The followingaspects are the countermeasures this article put forward,such as the rising of labor-costs andthe enhance the market competitiveness of the angle of labor, and the transformation andoptimization of the government functions, the adjustments of income distribution policy, and thefurther adjust and optimize the industrial structure to accelerate an industry upgrading, thedevelopment of circular economy, in encouraging independent innovation and improve theability of independent innovation and so on, which made the Chinese economic developmentmode to a successfully transition as soon as possible.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Chinese economic development mode, the development situation, problems, transformation
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