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Research On The Influence Of Farmers’ Cooperative Willingness With Agricultural Leading Enterprises

Posted on:2013-09-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A H ChengFull Text:PDF
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Agriculture,as the foundation of our national economy, is the basis of economicdevelopment and social stability,it also has been the focus of the governments at differentlevels. The quality of rural development, the effectiveness of the level of farmers’ incomegrowth is directly related to the industrialization of agriculture development and new ruralconstruction. The agricultural leading enterprises emerged at a such background, has maderemarkable achievements in the development scale, development way,as well as the externalenvironment, and plays a positive role in promoting rural development and farmers’ income.However, it also appeas many problems such as the low enthusiasm in participation,poorsatisfaction in cooperation,in the process of development which seriously affected andrestricted the development of agricultural leading enterprises and the pace of construction ofnew rural. As a result, it seems necessary to study the farmers’ desire to be cooperative anddegree of satisfaction with agricultural leading enterprises and related influencingfactors,because it will have a profound effect and be of importance in guiding for leadingenterprises to cooperate with farmers and promote steady expansion of grain production andsustained increase in rural incomes.First this article theoretically analyzes the farmers’ cooperative willingness with leadingagricultural enterprises and assumes some related factors, According to this, analyzes thepractical research materials which are acquired ahead of time about the leading enterprisesand farmers around in Yangling Districand field.Then the paper analyzes farmers’degree ofsatisfaction by means of quadrifid graph model, analyzes the farmers’ cooperative willingnessand related factors using the binary logistic regression model.After that,the article identify thedifferentce between the two models,find the reason that why the related factours are differentbetween the farmers’ satisfaction and willingness to cooperate with o participate in the leadingenterprises.Thus,the paper summes up the results of the analysis, and puts forward somepolicy recommendations. The basic conclusions of this paper are mainly:(1)there are seven factors having animportant role in farmers’ desire to be cooperative significantly, such as, farmers’age,education level, family size, farming methods, technical guidance, the sales price and thepayment method of settlement;while other explanatory variables have a negative effect onfarmers participation in the leading agricultural enterprises and their willingness to cooperatenegative.(2)cooperative farmers, who have participated, have high degree in bases,the yearsaccepting the help from the leading enterprises,the way buying from the market and so on,falling on A area. This will help to find better cooperation point for leading agriculturalenterprises in increasing farmers’ satisfaction, thereby improving the enthusiasm of thefarmers cooperation.Based on the above theoretical and empirical analysis on the discuss,this paper putsforward some targeted recommendations: opening relationship of trust between farmers andagricultural leading enterprises, seeking the cooperation point with farmers,increasing thefinancial and policy support for leading agricultural enterprises, leading the leadingagricultural enterprises to standardize its development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yangling District, Agricultural leading enterprises, Willingness tocooperate, Satisfaction
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