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Special Equipment Safety And Test Manage Platform Development Utilization

Posted on:2015-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L T XieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330428984176Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Special equipment in the "Special equipment safety law of the people’s Republic of China" refers to boiler, pressure vessel (including gauge pressure), pressure pipeline, elevator, lifting appliance, passenger ropeway, large amusement and motor vehicle in field (plant), which are greater risk of the personal and property safety. Special equipment related to all sectors of the national economy, playing a significant role to support China’s economic and technological development. To ensure the safe operation of special equipment, the "Special equipment safety law of the people’s Republic of China" clearly requires supervision and regulation of all aspects of special equipment, including manufacturing (including design, manufacture, installation, alteration, repair), operations, use, inspection, testing, etc. The main function of special equipment integrated inspection institute is to supervise and regulate the production of special equipment, and conduct inspection and testing of the used equipment, the inspection institutes play a significant role in the use of special equipment to ensure their safe operation. Due to the large number of special equipment, regulation of them is a heavy burden for special equipment inspection institutes, especially for restructuring institutes in many provinces. The restructuring making the management of institutes more complicated. Therefore, special equipment inspection institutes seek to develop computer information management systems to reduce the administrative burden.Currently, there are several information platforms for special equipment management on the market. However the functional of these information platforms are imperfect, for example, the Special Equipment Integrated Business Regulatory System (2012edition of Fujian Chuangda company) used by the Quality and Technical Supervision of Hunan Province, the Special Equipment Inspection Management System of Shandong special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute, the Special Equipment Inspection Management System used by the original Zhuhai special Equipment Inspection, and so on. The major function of the information platforms mentioned above is to provide the inspection reports and inspection accountings, lack of management functions. Therefore, It is necessary to design and develop a Special Equipment Safety and Inspection Business Regulatory Platform that can fully meet the all the managing needs of Special Equipment Inspection Institutes, in order to reduce the burden of the managers of inspection Institutes, and ensure safety of the special equipment operation more effectively.In this paper, a distributed collaboration, cross-platform special equipment management information platform was developed based on the software The management information platform of special equipment including six major parts:safety management, inspection management, notification, account management, vehicle management and future module. The platform can manage dangerous special equipment, inspection ledger, equipment modifications, equipment reinstallation, manufacturing supervisor, contact list, notices of opinions, special equipment user information, inspector information, notification, system administrators, ordinary users, vehicle information, vehicle maintenance, vehicle use information, additional modules and other data. The management functions related to all aspects of special equipment inspection agency."Special Equipment Safety and Inspection work management platform" use three layers B/S architecture "client layer/application service layer/data service layer" to achieve cross-platform operation, in the system, users only have to install the browser to exchange data with the MySQL database.In the aspect of functional design(business logic),"Special Equipment Safety and Inspection work management platform" apply ThinkPHP to define the special equipment safety management, inspection management, vehicle management, notification publishing, account management functions, future module function as the corresponding modules (Action classes), sub-functions under each function is defined as the corresponding modules of the following methods, the method establish contact with the database through the model, complete the operation of the database. Meanwhile, platform using PHPExcel to make the Excel data format compatible with MySQL data format. The platform import data by reading the data in an Excel table via PHPExcel, then write the data in the MySQL database; The platform output data from the MySQL database, then exchange its Excel file data format with PHPExcel. In addition, the development of the management platform front interface (page) using jQuery EasyUI, greatly accelerate the speed of development, achieved a friendly, beautiful, unified style interface; KindEditor was used in notice publishment page to realize the function of adding, modifying and deleting the notice, and the online publishing function of changing font, size, color and so on.In database designing,"Special Equipment Safety and Inspection work management platform" stored data by using the MySQL database. Management platform involved a lot of data, to ensure consistency of data, the system established a database including a plurality of tables. The design process of the database was third paradigm standard, the queries and data processing were convenient and efficiently by using ThinkPHP simple model or view model, sIn system security, a unified security system was used in "Special Equipment Safety and Inspection work management platform", Security of the physical layer, network layer, system layer, application layer were ensured. When the management platform interact the Internet Unicom, the data leaks were prevented.In this work, the "special equipment safety and inspection work management platform" was tested and used at Hunan Special Equipment Inspection and Testing Research Institute. The results showed:each function module of management platform was operating smoothly. The management platform functioned well at Hunan Special Equipment Inspection and Testing Research Institute and its13branch departments. The management platform greatly reduced the administrative burden and the work of special equipment inspectors, and improved the work efficiency. The design achieved the desired goals and was highly praised.
Keywords/Search Tags:Safety, test, software, Development
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