Packet Transport Network (PTN) has the charaeteristies of IP networks which is fastand flexible. On the other hand, PTN retains the ability of transport multi-services, it canbe reliable, scalable and manageable. To cater the demand of telecommunication operatingand services’ diversification, the QoS (Quality of Services) guarantee technologies wereconsidered as an important aspect of PTN technologies. The PTN architecture adoptedDiffServ Module to implement edg-to-edge QoS garantees.Firstly, PTN technical characteristics are introduced, including system framework,hierarchical model and packet forwarding mechanism. Then, DiffServ Module and theprocessing flow of PTN QoS are analyzed. A design of system overall scheme includingthe aspect of hardware and software has been brought out and the traffic processing flow isintroduced.Secondly, the particular design and implementation are proposed. A deep study hasbeen made for key technology such as priority mapping, data packets classifying, trafficpolicing, buffer management, congest avoiding, queue scheduling and so on. A doublepipeline mechanism for traffic policing is put forward in order to make it more flexible andefficient. The test result proves that all QoS functions are realized and fulfil therequirements so that it can provide better and differentiated services, improve bufferutilization and network throughput.At last, the deployment principle, policy and scheme of PTN QoS are briefly analyzed,in order to prove better differentiated services and fine management of bandwidthresources. |