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The Design And Implementation Of Fujian College Of Traditional Chinese Medicine Experimental Platform

Posted on:2014-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330425968533Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Today, science and technology are changing the speed to move forward rapidly,while the pace of development of information technology can not be underestimated, inmedicine, the equipment is also more sophisticated and accurate. The requirements ofclinical trials is also increased, the equipment has a good automaticity. In addition, fordoctors, experimental data also has a very high reference value, the role of clinical trialsmanagement system has become increasingly evident, it has become an integral part ofthe hospital information system is an important part.This thesis is based on a specific example of a hospital, in order to improve theirwork efficiency, improve service quality and enhance its information technology andthe design and development of this experimental platform management system. Overall,the system is in the C/S architecture based on the design. As for development tools, weare using the Visual Studio2008. In the specific implementation and completion of thesystem we use the C#technologies, key selection of databases, we have chosen is SQL2008. In the existing hardware conditions, we will a computer with a number of devicesconnected to the purpose of doing so is to facilitate a unified data format of the data andto carry out various operations management together, but it also has a feature that isdata protection and compatibility between the relevant national standards. Overall, thehospital’s experimental platform has the following five functions, they are: basicinformation management, routine testing, quality control and reagent management, aswell as statistical query these five points. In addition, you need to note is that, inaccordance with the different departments, relevant staff have the authority is not thesame.In the system development process, in order to enhance teamwork, ease of systemmaintenance, we use TFS platform, in addition, in order to better facilitate futureexpansion of the system, we also used a multi-layer system architecture model. In orderto improve the functionality of the system, allowing the system to provide customerswith better service, data collection, we also used a very advanced scientific serialcommunication technologies.The specific content of this thesis, the first system of this thesis describes thebackground and topics open play grounds, followed by analysis of the relevant aspects of the development status, and the contents of the study, methods and purpose, and sodo a simple Introduction. Thereafter, graphically describes the specific needs of thesystem, and as a basis for functional architecture and database design aspects, whileproviding a code that illustrates its completion method. Finally, in order to protect thesecurity of the system has been tested on the system, and look forward to its futuredevelopment.
Keywords/Search Tags:C#language, clinical trials platform systems, databases
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