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Design And Implementation Of Tobacco Purchase Offline Security Application System Based On B/S Model

Posted on:2014-10-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R J LaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330425471205Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Tobacco Purchasing is required to follow the national purchase price and quality standards, while according to the contract which was signed between the tobacco growers and Tobacco companies. And the principle of openness, impartiality and fairness shall be followed during the pruchasing. Tobacco Purchasing occupies an important place in the tobacco supply chain. It completes the first change of title through tobacco purchasing. Pruchase site is the executable unit for purchasing. Currently, the tobacco purchasing system uses B/S model. Some remote purchasing sites exist bad situations, such as unstable telecom and power fails. All these situations directly affect the normal operation for the purchasing system. So, it’s very important to strength system’s safety, stability and constancy, to make sure the tobacco purchasing system run smoothly when the network is disconnectedlyIn this case, the tobacco companies request to build a off-line security application system, aim to ensure tobacco purchasing can run smoothly in off-line situation. When the network is disconnectedly, B/S model system can switch to off-line security application system. And the data can be connected while the network is restored. In this way, the tobacco purchasing will be controllable and easy, and the purchasing data will be safe and reliable.The main research contents of this paper are as follows:(1) unify off-line purchasing process:Analysis the differences of network environment and the purchasing process around the tobacco enterprises, establishing reasonable off-line purchasing process, unify off-line purchasing process;(2) build off-line purchasing management and execution platform:off-line security application system as a unified platform for Tobacco off-line purchasing management and execution,make the management and control of the off-line purchasing process come ture for city (county) Corporation, Ensure Tobacco purchase to be criterion in off-line situation;(3) unify the off-line interactive protocol of hardware service:analysis the existing Business Systems of China tobacco, establish a unified, standard hardware protocol.This paper is based on the software engineering thought, introducing requirements analysis, system design, system development, system testing and other aspects in detail. providing the overall solution of off-line security application system for B/S model during tobacco purchasing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tobacco Purchase, Offline Security, B/S Model
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