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Design And Implementation Of Fujian Normal University Students’ Dormitory Management System

Posted on:2014-03-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z S LinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330425467856Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, along with the popularization and use of the computer, more andmore people have been using computers to solve many practical problems. Now peoplemanagement level also gradually improve, paperless office also slowly realize. Thestudent’s dormitory management is an important part of higher education management,colleges and universities also pay more and more attention to the management ofstudent hostels. If we use artificial processing student hostel information a lot, not onlya waste of human, financial and material resources, but also a waste of time, but also theaccuracy of the data reduction. With the rapid development in recent years of theInternet, this also to the higher school provides a realization of student dormitorymanagement system opportunities. The development of the student’s dormitorymanagement system to make the standardization, student dormitory managementsystem and procedure, improve the student’s dormitory management data security,reliability, clarity and accuracy. Fujian Normal University student hostel managementsystem is in order to make these problems can be solved and the development of.The development of the student’s dormitory management system based on thebackground of Fujian Normal University, aiming to solve the Fujian Normal Universitystudent dormitory management problems. According to the characteristics of the studentdormitory management system, after full investigation, decided to design mode ofmulti-level structure using B/S structure and J2EE. The student dormitory managementsystem using Java programming language, database using SQL2008, and the systemlogic code of JavaBean packaging, according to the demand of system design plan ofFujian Normal University student hostel management system, combined with theimplementation of the Fujian Normal University student dormitory management systemof Internet technology design.Function modules of the student dormitory management system including thecentral administrator login module, general administrator login module, studentslanding module three big modules. This paper mainly introduces the development statusof the student dormitory management system and the related theory and technology, asystematic needs analysis according to the demand of the system, and describes in detailthe implementation method of the main modules of the student dormitory managementsystem, and then test the student hostel management system, finally summarizes thethesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:B/S structure, student’s dormitory, management system
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