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Authentication And Authorization Design In Social Media Website

Posted on:2014-08-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y D i x o n M a r i a N Full Text:PDF
GTID:2268330422462692Subject:Computer application technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the perspective of today’s electronic media, social networking has come to meanindividuals using the Internet and Web applications to communicate in formerlyunfeasible ways. The Internet is now where users go to interact and connect with others,which are becoming a hub of socialization, a social utility. This is largely the result of aculture-wide paradigm shift in the uses and potentiality of the Internet itself. Many presentsocial media sites face a number of problems such as poor website features and functions,poor web page layouts; authentication goes through unsolved problems in security andusability. Many adversaries attack Websites by brute force attempting to try the ID andpassword via programs or automation software. There is the need to provide a socialmedia site that has the technology that can provide a two way communication and providewealthy feature and functions to the system.The proposed system will provide a comprehensive detail about social media website withenhanced user interaction functionality which would deliver its information to the group ofpeople all at the same time while it will invite users to express their views and ideas onthat topic. It will make the transfer of photos, text, audio, video, and information easierand quicker to share. SurfPedia Social media will have an implementation of a widevariety of technical features, as an advanced feature; a security measure will beimplemented to ensure authentication and authorization before providing access into thesystem. The authorization element will allow the developer to configure the user accountsthat can access the site or application. The proposed system aims to provide securedauthentication by validating the strength of CAPTCHA. Its backbone will consist ofvisible profiles that display an articulated list of Friends who are also users of the system.This will make it easy for users to build up their social network, to communicate with newindividuals or reconnect with lost contacts. Profiles are unique pages where one can "typeoneself into being". It will allow users to create personal profiles describing their real-world selves and then establish connections with other users. In addition to basics such asname, date of birth, and photos, web pages also include information such as photo, video,quizzes, blogs, debate club and friends. Users will further be permitted to customize their profile. This website also provides the features of blogging all at one place. The main ideabehind blogging is to share your thoughts with all your friends which can be read by allthe users using the website. This system will provide free access to all types ofinformation, transforming internet users from mere readers to creators of content, alsointeracting in the online world so as to form new personal or business relationships.Using databases with the web will open up a huge new selection of things that could bedone which would make SurfPedia Social Media website much more powerful, savingtime updating the site, allowing user interaction and feedback and much more. The wholeidea of a database-driven Web site is to allow the content of the site to reside in a database,and for that content to be dynamically pulled from the database to create Web pagesfeaturing it for people using a regular Web browser to view.Overall, the social network sites focus heavily on building online communities boundtogether with common interests or activities, providing them with tools that help them todo so. The proposed system is a Social Media scheme. This is a website that does not justgive users information, but interacts with users while giving them that information. Thesystem is developed using PHP, Apache, Dreamweaver, Photoshop and HTML as frontend and MySQL as Database application. With all the mentioned rich features andfunction, the proposed social media site will create an innovation that will keep the usersfascinated and involved for a long period of time.
Keywords/Search Tags:Social Media Website, SurfPedia, Authentication, Authorization andRegistration
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