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Research And Implementation Of Key Technologies On Youth Entrepreneurship Support Platform

Posted on:2014-09-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330401984062Subject:Computer application technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The proportion of young people in the total population of our country issignificantly lower than the average of developed countries. Vigorously develop smalland medium-sized enterprises, and actively promote the people business, especiallyyouth entrepreneurship, has become an important direction of promoting China’seconomic work in the future. From a global point of view, whether it is in developedcountries or in developing countries, entrepreneurship is not a simple matter. Surveysfrom international consultancy Monitor indicate that: more than70%of the people inChina want to start a business.But at present, there exists following questions in entrepreneurial supportplatforms, both in China and abroad. First, the resources utilization rate of thoseplatforms ware very low. In general, the common server and operating system onlyperforms one application such as the Web system, or as a database system. But asingle task is difficult to use all of the computer hardware resource. This kind of usageof computer made average resource utilization below20%. Second, there is shortageof public IP address. As long as service platform provide services to the public, itmust have a public IP. Public IP addresses have now become the world’s scarceresources but traditional platform did not have efficient use of public IP. Furthermorethe content server exposed to the public network, there have a big security risks forthe server. Thirdly, with the increase in variety of business systems, subsystems arealso increasing. For users, the situation that log in with each separate username andpassword not only increased the burden on the user, but also reduces the security.Fourth, the system independent of each other, forming islands of information. Thereare several problems such as not enough conventional general-purpose data exchangeinterface and difficult to upgrade and maintenance. The paper’s main task is to solvethe above problem.By design and implementation of the infrastructure layer, the platform achievesthe dual goals of resource utilization and security. The paper gives practical programsand effect of the core services layer. The key elements of the paper are the UserCenter Design and Implementation of the unified login mechanism, and the Designand Implementation of the dynamic interface. The unified login mechanism is based on the construction of the generation of the Notes and Certification Center. It gives aunified login process, the generation algorithm login bills, notes destructionmechanism. The platform information interface is designed in detail. Turning to theinterface content, it adds a role-based content generation mechanism.The significance of this paper is as follows. First, through building ofentrepreneurial support platform, research a new support model. It provides a fullrange of services for the majority of young entrepreneurs improves the success rate ofentrepreneurship and provides ideas to solve a wide range of employment issues. Second, through the construction of the platform infrastructure, this paper hasresearched cloud computing platforms and reverse proxy technology. Third, the designof reunification login mechanism provides it’s feasible. Fourth, the design of dynamicinterface has increased its scalability and provides solutions that interact with the flowof information.
Keywords/Search Tags:Entrepreneurial Support, IaaS, Reverse Proxy, Unified Login, Dynamic Interface
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