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Nayang "Herald" Research

Posted on:2014-07-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P F LiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nanyang "Herald" by Li Jing, Henan famous founder of democracy. From January1,1942founded, to November17,1947closed, gone through5years and10months of arduous struggle."Herald" to "speak up for the people forward" for the operational purpose, adhere to independent newspapers, self-financing principle. The news reports always pay attention to people’s livelihood and national affairs, news commentary has dared to say so, dare to expose, dare to criticize the characteristics, by readers. Sales have been up to more than10,000each, a Sino-Japanese War Henan ruled areas one of the most influential newspaper, has a high research value.In this paper, the "Herald" literature research and analysis and related issues based on the interview survey, an overview of the "Herald" in the course of development, fully affirmed the "Herald" in its duration insist on an independent newspaper, a true reflection of social conditions and people’s livelihood, especially in-depth site visits, real, comprehensive, systematic follow-up reports,"Henan famine" for the Anecdotes of history, to explore the real catastrophe and famine as the duration provided strong evidence. Through the "Herald" unique survival of the analysis, summarized the "Herald" clever use of social relations, to get rid of political difficulties, by expanding the sources of income out of the economic dilemma, to survive in a difficult situation, development the struggle and growth of modern democracy newspapers have some inspiration. Through the "Herald" News analysis of the characteristics of work, concludes that "Herald" in news reports and comments writing, editorial policy on the characteristics, further analysis of the "Herald" by readers of the reasons for and the press of today extraordinary significance.Value and innovation of this study is:through the "Herald," the first study, to fill the "Herald," the Anti-Japanese War in the Kuomintang-controlled areas of Henan, especially in Nanyang, Henan region, greater impact, progressive strong research gaps private newspapers; through the "Herald" historical value of the study, as "the great famine in Henan" end time of the disaster to provide a different answer; through the "Herald" social value of research, analysis the "Herald,""record yesterday, the service today, affect tomorrow," the historical contributions, as well as the democratic newspapers today the profound significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Herald, features, contribute to the survival of famine
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