Research And Application Of Vehicle Routing Problem Based On The Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm |
Posted on:2014-05-27 | Degree:Master | Type:Thesis |
Country:China | Candidate:Y Liu | Full Text:PDF |
GTID:2268330401479437 | Subject:Computer application technology |
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With the level of development of the market economy continuing to improve and thefrequent of the exchange of material between activities increasing, the logistics industryhas been developed rapidly. As a product of social production, it will be the linkagebetween producers and consumers, and then the role of substance can be fully utilized inorder to promote the development of productive forces and eventually meet the people’smaterial and spiritual needs. In the current economic tide, logistics has become equallyimportant factor like information as well as corporate management and so on. In theprocess of logistics, vehicle planning problem is the core issue. The planning of thevehicle in different applications has different reflected factor. For example,in case of highdemand for time, the shortest path of travel distance should be selected, while in case ofhigh demand for economy, we should select the least-cost path. It is not difficult for us tounderstand that good vehicle travel path planning is not only likely to increase the velocityof circulation from producer to consumer, but also can save the cost in logisticsoperations. This is very important, which is not only for the logistics company and has avery important significance in the general production enterprises.This paper mainly studies the microcosmic traffic system in two types of vehiclerouting problems:capacity-constrained vehicle routing problem and vehicle routingproblem with time window based on ant algorithm to solve vehicle routing problem Thepaper describes the basic ant algorithm of the basic principles, characteristics,components, and how to solve the vehicle routing problem. The two algorithm in thebasic ant colony algorithm convergence, easy stagnation of the defect, through theintroduction of pheromone window pheromone of maximum and minimum values, onlyto the best solution iterative pheromone update, increase the elitist ants, judging theconvergence of pheromone re-initialization, in each iteration to join local searchoptimization, in the choice of probability to issues related to the parameters of ant colonyoptimization, ant colony algorithm to improve the convergence of the algorithm, as faras possible to avoid the stagnation phenomenon. The passage uses matlab programminglanguage to implement ant algorithm, and tests the standard test data set. Finally, theant colony optimization that to solve the vehicle routing with time windows will be appliedto the Shanghai Daming communication logistics information systems, and a vehicleroute optimization module will be developed, which is an attempt from fulfillments to the theories. This attempt can be used to provide reference in ant colony algorithm’s beingapplied in practice.The article concludes that the ant colony algorithm has certain advantages in solvingthe CVRP and VRPTW, and through the improvement it can be used to solve the twoproblems to get good effect. At the same time after a series of good parameter setting andthe improved algorithm it can effectively avoid the convergence or getting into the localoptimal state. The VRPTW ant algorithm is applied to the logistics company logisticsinformation system, which can effectively reduce vehicle delivery distance, at the sametime it saves the required delivery time and reduces the cost of distribution company. |
Keywords/Search Tags: | ant colony algorithm, routing problem, intelligence computation, CapacitatedVehicle Routing Problem, Vehicle Routing Problem with Time windows |
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