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Engineering Software Design Of The Shipborne ISAR Detection Signal Processor

Posted on:2013-09-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330392969359Subject:Electronics and Communications Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper main job is to ship ISAR (inverse synthetic aperture radar) to the frontof the exploration of the channel signal processing to carry on the design, simulation,and based onADSP-TS201S digital signal processing chip engineering realization.This system the boat of ISAR detection process of main channel for, in the frontend receiver completion of the signal sampling, first IQ orthogonal double channel,processing, and digital demodulation to zero intermediate frequency of base bandplural signal, and then make the digital signal processing. Go to the distanceseparating rate, get2D R-D spectrum, then in target detection, and then to distance thevaluations of processing speed, speed and distance to get information, and then thesingle pulse Angle measuring algorithm azimuth Angle measurement. The last of theship platform more target tracking, real-time update more goals of sailing track.This paper main job is, first to ship motion platform more than the target trackingsystem design, first to tracking the selection of coordinate system are analyzed, andthen to the selection of target motion CV model and extended kalman filteringalgorithm analysis and simulation results prove the performance, and then the relatedwave door, some navigation relation, starting, track track quality management,introduces the algorithm, and finally to the target tracking system for the wholesimulation proves its feasibility. And then, some of the front of detection channelssignal processing principle are introduced, including the distance separating rate,target detection distance and the speed of valuations are provided, and some relatedsimulation results. Finally, this system based on the exploration of the channelADSP-TS201S engineering realization of the complete part of the work, toADSP-TS201S chip and T26U computing board are briefly introduced, andintroduced the realization of engineering program development process, and todistance separation, speed separation, target detection module on the development,and the test results and several modules of the results of the simulation algorithmbefore are analyzed and compared, the error within acceptable limits.
Keywords/Search Tags:Digital signal processing, the target tracking, extended kalman filter, DSPchip, project implementation
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