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Whcz College Teachers’ Training Needs Research

Posted on:2015-03-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330428481727Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Occupation college teacher is getting a most concern. To solve this problem, you need to strengthen the teachers’professional as to improve the professional level of teachers. On the one hand, the teaching quality usually depends on the school leadership and School of thought. on the other hand, it also depends on the overall quality of teachers and teaching ability.This article first expounds the WHCZ college teachers training needs research selected topic background, think that most of the present situation of vocational college teachers’team construction in our country is not optimistic, both in quantity, structure and quality needs to be further strengthen, improve and improve. Think that vocational education can not only cultivate leader with knowledge and technology innovation ability and talent, to cultivate hundreds of millions of high-quality workers and skilled personnel, vocational education is an important foundation for national economic and social development, is a key support to achieve modernization and industrialization, and is one of the important measures to improve the comprehensive national strength and core competitiveness, strengthen city vocational college teachers’ training is of great significance.The second chapter is a summary of related research at home and abroad, summarizes the relevant research results at home and abroad. The third chapter on the current situation of WHCZ college teacher training were analyzed, and the problem is mainly:Backward ideas, training project goal position is not clear, the training content boring, shortage of funds, no standard training process and effective evaluation system, the structure of the double teachers become a mere formality, the training lead low and again.In the fourth chapter of WHCZ college teachers’training needs analysis, do the research of previous college teacher training, and understand the needs of teachers in training, to find out the deficiencies and problems in college teacher training. And practice in college, according to the above problems, analyzed the teacher training needs, and put forward the need to clear training program, improve the training effect evaluation system, forge a double team, optimize the structure of teachers, formulate feasible teacher training system and plan, strengthen the government’s policy support and so on were analyzed, and the hope of WHCZ college teachers team construction to provide improvement ideas worthy of learning and implementing measures.
Keywords/Search Tags:WHCZ college, Vocational institutes, Teacher training, Demand
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