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The Research About The Aesthetic Evolution Of China’s Urban Youth Love Tokens Since The Reform And Opening

Posted on:2015-03-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L YanFull Text:PDF
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In the context of urban mass consumer culture, great changes have taken place in urban youth love tokens since reform and opening up, which are not only reflected in the style changes of static love tokens, but also reflected in the specific period of the urban youth pledge of love view, values and aesthetic changes. Based on the perspective of cultural anthropology and aesthetics theory, this paper analyzes the style changes and characteristics of urban youth love tokens in the new period to attempt to further pry into the urban aesthetic transmutation of youth love tokens behind the changes.In this paper, since the new period to the present it can be divided into three periods and be based on the investigation and grasp to each phase of the real case as the basis of the urban aesthetic evolution of youth love tokens. Through the systematic carding and analysis, the author first summarized the static characteristics and dynamic spirit of emotional characteristics of urban love tokens during each stage:(1), in the eighties, simplicity and practicability. In a relative lack of city youth tent to be those practical item as love tokens, which were simple and plain and were full of pure emotion between young men and women then.(2), in the1990’s, with the establishment and the development of market economy in China, it made urban youth love tokens species diversity, and began to be disseminated on the color of the commercial. Urban youth who solved the food and clothing were turning to the pursuit of secular love tokens for romantic color and material comfort. Lust and independent expression of hedonism to the city’s youth began to make the spiritual core of love tokens digested in the systematic and scientific ways.(3), entering the21st century, popular consumer culture makes love tokens species diversity. After rich urban youth in the vagaries of love’s time, is captured by love tokens interpreted by the mass media and pledges to brief Sensory stimulation experience and the pursuit of economic value, such as physical dimensions. And then love tokens have become materialized, audio, price, tools, and its original emotional implication is constantly dispelled. At the same time, urban youth love tokens from the aesthetic characteristics by notice to the beauty of the practical and emotional connotation of "overflow" in material form "pure aesthetics"make the transition to the more and more attention to the aesthetic and shallow layers of "viewpoint". In the21st century, when consumer culture and mass media build the so-called love tokens consumption myth, urban youth start in a variety of consumption experience instead of love tokens of aesthetic experience. In the boundless aesthetic experience and aesthetic choice, love tokens are absence in the aesthetic mental and emotional implication. Urban youth then fall into the dilemmas of love tokens of aesthetics. Concrete manifestation in:love tokens’ contradiction between "pure aesthetic" implication and the reality of utilitarian "pan-aesthetic" and their contradiction between the immutability of aesthetic spiritual core of love tokens and the short aesthetic experience of aesthetic subject. In the face of this aesthetic dilemma, a good social humanities environment must first to be built, and urban youth create a good objective environment to have more freedom to express love and transmit the aesthetic space of love tokens. Second, the urban young people pay attention to cultivate the personal artistic sensitivity and aesthetic personality in their daily life to be able to remain independent in the mental and emotional connotation of love tokens surrounded by the consumer "pan-aesthetic". Finally, the urban young people raise the consciousness of aesthetic culture of love tokens in the multicultural context.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urban youth, love tokens, the aesthetic evolution
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