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Development Strategy Research Of Chongqing City Zjy Gerocomium

Posted on:2015-03-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330428476448Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the aging of the elder population increases and the traditional family endowment functions has gradually weakened, certainly there will be more and more old-age care demand. Pension demand is becoming more and more exuberant with huge market space, so the pension industry, social endowment insurance industry have become an inevitable trend. Pension industry is a sunset engineering, but a sunrise industry. Chongqing private gerocomium operation is still at a very low stage, so the elderly pension needs has not effectively satisfied and the market has not been fully released. ZJY Gerocomium, as one of Chongqing’s first private Nursing Homes founded in2001, needs to think more on how to face the challenges and seize the opportunity, so we must carry on strategy analysis and research on the pension business.In this paper there are six parts. Chapter one is an introduction about the background, purpose and significance of the study; and the research ideas and research methods. Chapter two reviewed on some strategy management theoretical literature. Combined with the contents that the article involved, the chapter reviewed on the concept and level of strategy management, the main task of strategy management planing, and factors that affect enterprise strategy. Chapter three gave a comprehensive introduction about Chongqing ZJY Gerocomium Basic, including personnel status, organizational structure, evolution development and development status. In chapter four we used Enterprise strategy management theory, from macro environment、industry environment and internal environment, to analyze the whole environment of Chongqing ZJY Gerocomium, including enterprise management capabilities analysis、enterprise finance capabilities analysis、 enterprise culture analysis and enterprise human resource analysis. Then by SWOT Analysis we analyzed out the advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and threats of the enterprise development. In chapter five from theory and practice we proposed growing strategic development ideas for Chongqing ZJY Gerocomium, formulated the related diversification strategy, and brought forward the total strategy through the market development strategy, strategic alliance strategy to achieve pension growth of Chongqing ZJY Gerocomium. At last, Chapter six listed the resource and safeguards that the strategy operation needed.
Keywords/Search Tags:ZJY Gerocomium, Old-age care industry, Development strategy, Growthstrategy
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