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Research On Problems And Strategies Of Curriculum Structure In Rural Primary School

Posted on:2015-02-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L P YeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330428473959Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Curriculum organization is the importance basis of curriculum implementation in ruralprimary school, and it plays an important role in the development of rural primary school andstudents. The eighth curriculum reform in our country raises “change status of curriculumstructure emphasize on discipline-based, too many subjects and lacking of integration. Settingcourse category and class percentage of nine-year system, and setting integrated curriculum inorder to adept to the needs of different areas and students, reflecting the balance,comprehensiveness and optional of curriculum structure.” Even to this day, curriculum reformhas put into force for over ten years, but the result of curriculum reform is not ideal, especiallyin several rural primary schools.This paper mainly uses educational research method, choosing several rural primaryschools in Beipiao city to conduct an investigation. Then the paper uses literature researchmethod, collecting some literatures and research results in our country. All of them providespowerful theoretical and factual basis to this study, and offers effective help to the contents,thoughts, summary and opinions of this paper. Thus realizes the representative faithfulness tothe status quo of curriculum structure in rural primary school.First of all, this paper from the perspective of different standards of classification ofcurriculum, in order to analyze the survey results of sample area. Secondly, based onanalyzing the findings, summarizing the causes of curriculum structure in rural primaryschool. Finding there are many problems in curriculum structure of rural primary school, forexamples, subject curriculum is the champion, integrated curriculum in a dilemma,school-based curriculum exists in name only and hidden curriculum goes begging. Throughthe problems, excavating the reasons for this situation. Concluding five points: out ofadministration guidance, teaching staff is weakness, short of curriculum resource, lack ofschool culture and teaching evaluation system is singleness. Finally, aimed at the problems incurriculum structure of rural primary school and combined with its geographical characteristics, presenting solutions to the balanced development of curriculum structure inrural primary school from two sides: perfecting school-based curriculum and experiencecurriculum and optimizing hidden curriculum and integrated curriculum of rural primaryschool. This paper uses empirical research, understanding the status quo of curriculumstructure in rural primary school, seeking for the problem representation and resolutionstrategy. In order to have some significance to curriculum development and primary schooleducation in our country.
Keywords/Search Tags:rural primary school, curriculum structure, xx city, problem representation, strategy
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