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An Investigation Into The Teaching Of Chinese Reading Group Cooperative

Posted on:2014-01-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ZhaoFull Text:PDF
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Cooperation, as the themes of our era, a series of social activities are gregarious as early as the beginning of the origin of began to form, the human society is inseparable from the group, and cooperation is one of the most basic conditions of the survival and development of the group. Similarly, learning as a kind of special social activities, it is also inseparable from the members of the group cooperation. Therefore, as a mode of behavior in the process of learning--cooperation, it is inevitable. Learning is mostly behind closed doors, it is not great, as "learning" said," Science alone without friends, solitude and smell."As a kind of Teaching strategies, Cooperative learning is an effective method to give full play to the initiative role of the students in the classroom teaching, but also an important way to guide students in active learning, It is about the rise in the United States of America in the nineteen seventies, substantial progress has been made in the mid70’s to the mid80’s, has obtained the considerable development in the mid90’s, in twenty-first Century entered into a relatively mature period. Cooperative learning is based on mutual cooperation and exchange between teachers and students, students and students in the teaching activities as orientation, team learning form the basic organizational form of teaching, interaction between the dynamic factors to promote learning, in order to reach the goal of teaching and teaching activities. Compared with the traditional class teaching system in comparison, has obvious advantages in the development of the students stand on one’s own study consciousness, mutual cooperation and cooperation consciousness and innovative ability.At present, the growing on cooperative learning research group in China, has broad research content, research results are more and richer. But is still in the primary stage, specific performance:first, the concept of cooperative learning, positioning is very complicated, not highlighted the essence of cooperative learning; second, theoretical research of "localization" is relatively weak, the combined with Chinese cultural background, education and teaching conditions of practice research less, so it cannot meet the teaching practice demand; thirdly, there is no specific criteria for the evaluation of cooperative learning, how to evaluate the unable to agree on which is right.Based on the above thinking, this paper tries to absorb the essence of the theory of cooperative learning, combining with the teaching characteristics of Chinese subject, under the new curriculum background, for the Chinese reading teaching implementation of cooperative learning strategies are discussed, from definition, development history and the concept of cooperative learning and cooperative reading lessons of teaching inquiry, cooperation reading teaching in the curriculum of ten years and the cause of the problem and the cooperative teaching evaluation, these four aspects are studied, we hope to Chinese cooperation type reading teaching has certain contribution.
Keywords/Search Tags:cooperative learning, reading teaching, cooperative teachingevaluation of reading Chinese
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