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The Art Collection History Of The Borghese Family

Posted on:2014-03-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W MaFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From their formation in the early seventeenth century, the Borghese collectionsof antiquities were among the most important in Rome and among the sightsmost enthusiastically admired by visitors to the city. In1902, the Italiangovernment bought the Villa Borghese as well as all the collections in it, andturned it to a great public museum, the Galleria Borghese. Today the GalleriaBorghese is famous for the collections of Baroque instead of the formalantiquities, which I apparently have a serious addiction to. What made thechange was the deal between the Borghese Family and Napoléon in1807,and after that there were695antiquities being moved to the Musée de Louvre.This thesis is about the history of the Borghese collections, especially thechange from early seventeenth century to twenty century and the developmentof “galleria” during the early modern period.
Keywords/Search Tags:Borghese Family, Art Collections, Villa Borghese, 1807
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