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Feminism And Feminist Social Work Perpective

Posted on:2014-08-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S R ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330425492091Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Feminism is a social ideology originated in the late19th century. Feminists face inthe community, appearing in a variety of family social phenomenon of discriminationagainst women, the use of weapons, including a wealth of theoretical solid Marxistfeminist theory, including the defense of members of the female community shouldenjoy equality in the social environment all basic rights. First, elaboration of genderinequality or existential perspective emphasizes women’s self-standing; Second, fromthe point of focusing on secondary sexual social and cultural factors in the analysis, thestudy of men and women to strengthen the status change; Third, the to achieve changedisadvantaged position of women, gender equality and achieve the purpose of seekingsolutions or strategies proposed improvements; fourth is to explore the power relationseradicate vassal focused pursuit to establish equal status in society harmony as the goal.Marx and Engels on the status of women in the course of the study pointed out:"communism is bound to achieve full equality between men and women " and " socialprogress and social status of women can be used to accurately measure." Changes inthe status of women is an important manifestation of vulnerable social progress andnational development.Feminist social work is feminist social work carried out as the guiding ideology,the purpose is to create a favorable social conditions and social environment for thecomprehensive development of women. In recent years, domestic feminism mainlyrelated to a series of women protection and other social issues, such as research ondomestic violence, divorced families, gay and AIDS prevention and other issues.Feminist social work primarily in these issues continue to fight for the status of womenin society, as opposed to domestic violence, sexual harassment and active concern forthe rights of women and children, child welfare rights, but for the development of socialfeminism Perspective mode, there is no more comprehensive description and analysis.In real life, due to the traditional concept of gender inequality in society, and women’sown relatively weak physiological and psychological characteristics of women relativeto men in society, vulnerable groups, are more prone to social problems and needs ofwomen from the Perspective of Social Work the positive response.Feminist Perspective of Social Work can not be said to have entered the mainstream of social work system, but there is no doubt that it has on the theory andpractice of social work had a major impact. Feminists tried to women’s own experienceand values to understand women’s lives and experiences, avoiding the androcentric. It’sgender concerns have been reconstructed value base of social work, diversity andpotential are respected, which makes it more inclusive society. Feminism isgender-sensitive practice provides a basis, especially to see the relationships amonggender issues and intervention factors, including greater emphasis on women’s issues,reflect the patriarchal system,rebuilding professional relationships. Feminist social workhas become a pluralistic perspective in social work as an important force, play anincreasingly important role in the future of social work practice.Social Work Feminism Feminism is not only able to play on the macro-level sharpcriticism, also can strengthen social work for microscopic acuity unique, making theintegration of feminist social work macro and micro focus, forming the interventionforce. Therefore, the implementation of feminist social work in the areas ofimplementation, in addition to explore, analyze, and even sexual relations outside oftrying to re-construct the distribution of power in society and more emphasis on thevalue of women’s experiences, and the combined efforts of other individuals and groupsoppressed, organize themselves in order to achieve the common goal of structuralchange.
Keywords/Search Tags:Feminism, Social Work, Feminist social work
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